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The two women greeted each other with bright smiles and warm eyes as they embraced, Kilian stumbling along so he could remain glued to his Aunt's side.

He was staring at Loid and Yuri with narrowed eyes, mostly Yuri since the man had the audacity to bring a bunch of orchids along with him. He momentarily had to stop scrutinizing the two men when y/n tapped his shoulder with a, "Kilian, this is Yuri's big sister! Yor!"

Kilian glanced at the woman, and immediately recognized her as the woman who had been in all those pictures which Yuri kept in his locker. Was this dude creeping on his sister or something!?

The child waved away his suspicions, clinging to y/n's clothing a little tighter and hiding his face a bit with a quiet, "Ahem, it's very nice to meet you, Miss Yor."

"It's nice to meet you as well, Kilian!" the woman chirped with a sweet smile, 'Aw... what a cute kid!' "Y/n, Yuri, you never told me that the two of you had a kid! He's adorable!"

"Don't let his face fool you, he's a little troublemaker." Yuri grumbled and Kilian gave him a bitter look, "But he's not our kid, he's y/n's nephew. He's living with us now."

"I'm living with Auntie." Kilian corrected with a serious expression, "That man stays in the bathroom."


"Freeloaders don't have talking privileges."

The trio were invited into the house, and Kilian immediately retreated to the living room so he could get back to working. He had homework that needed to be finished.

'I wonder if Anya fell asleep.' Kilian thought, glancing at the clock with raised brows, 'Mm... good. Maybe she'll grow then.'

Things were getting too complicated too quickly for the boy's liking. If Loid really was a spy, that would make Kilian and Y/n threats to his missions. Them, Zain, Serafina, and Elena as well.

All of them clearly saw Anya in the Orphanage, and knew damn well that she wasn't his biological child. If y/n picked up on that, she'd either ask questions or do some digging.

Kilian's eyes moved over to the family picture a distance away, 'Guess I've gotta use that power again.'

He was in for a long evening.

The little boy took a moment to observe the room around him before closing his eyes and focusing on y/n and Yuri.

He thought of the family pictures in the room, and furrowed his brows as he tried his best to paint an image of a less incriminating photo in their places.

After a long moment, Kilian opened his eyes and cast a curious glance towards the photo. Okay... just Loid and Yor. Nothing suspicious about that.

He blinked when y/n knelt by the coffee table with him, resting a hand on his head with a fond smile as he got back to working diligently.

His lips quirked up into a small smile, but he fought off the urge to lean into her touch. If he relaxed, his grip on the illusion would slip and Operation Strix would be in danger!

'Hold on, why would I be worried about the mission?'

He knew the answer to that one.

Chairs were brought over so y/n and Kilian didn't have to sit on the floor, while Yuri sat in the armchair as Yor placed the bundle of orchids into a little vase.

"Thank you for the flowers, Yuri!" Yor exclaimed as Kilian was glaring daggers at the young man.

"Of course, but let me make myself clear..." Yuri began in a low tone, "I still don't accept this marriage!"

𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐏𝐒 ✄ 𝐒𝐏𝐘𝐗𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now