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"This is such a waste of time."

"Oh come on, Kilian! It's a chance to get a Stella Star! Besides, P.E. is always a super fun class!"

"I disagree."

Anya, Becky, and Kilian all stood together amongst their classmates, dressed in their physical education uniforms and ready to get the class started.

It was Class 3, Cecile Hall, vs Class 4, Wald Hall.
The P.E. teacher was apparently out for the day, so Mr. Henderson was in charge for the day.

Kilian almost felt bad for him.

The little boy was considering setting up an illusion and running off to go ask Diona another question, but he figured that Anya would screw something up if he was absent.

"Wait, you don't even want the star?" Anya inquired curiously and Kilian shook his head with a sigh.

"Nope, I can earn them with my academics." he grumbled, "I might just sit this one out today."

"Nope!" Kilian jumped when Becky grabbed him by his shoulders and shook him with a gleeful look, "You'll be participating today! Whether you like it or not!"


'Ian is good at a lot of stuff, and Becky won't let him walk away.' Anya thought as the boy continued to complain despite deciding not to walk off, 'I can do this. I'll get that star and help Papa!'

As Anya was having her main character moment, Damian and his two goons were approaching. Kilian immediately went into "wtf do you want" mode, and his wary expression looked more like a threatening one.

Emile took one look at the glowering boy and bit his tongue before he could say something rude to Anya.

"What do you want?" Kilian demanded, "I'm way too tired to deal with you buffoons today, you know?"

"Hey! Who do you think you're callings goon?!" the boy with the tall hair, Ewen, demanded.

"Let me rephrase." Kilian sneered, "I believe the circus lost a couple of their clowns. You three should head back, I'm sure they're missing you."

"Watch your mouth, peasant!"

"I don't take orders from clowns."

"Ugh, I can't believe we have to be on the same side as these buffoons..." Becky huffed before giving Kilian a bright smile, "How about we go see if Class 4 will let us join them?"

The boy's face went blank, "I'd rather just sit out."

"No, no, you can't do that!"

Kilian let out a groan as Becky began to drag him and Anya away, Damian and his two buddies heading off in the opposite direction all dramatic like.

'What an ugly attitude, no wonder this kid's Dad doesn't like him.' Kilian thought with a scowl.

Despite his mean thoughts, Anya could tell that Kilian still wasn't being honest. Sheesh, he told a lot of lies.

"Ian lies to himself a lot."

"Shut it, Anya."

Mr. Henderson blew his whistle before exclaiming, "Everyone! Line up! As Coach Bobby is out sick today, I'll be serving as referee in his place. I expect you all to behave and play with elegance!"

"Yes sir!" all the children chorused.

'I want lunch.' Kilian thought, longing for the lunch which y/n had worked so hard to make and pack for him.

Anya's eyes sparkled as she read his mind, marveling at the lunch Kilian was thinking of, 'Yummy food...!'

Kilian somehow noticed and his gaze snapped towards her as he gave her a glare, causing her to look away quickly and whistle innocently.

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