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"When will Auntie wake up?"

"I'm not sure."

"Is she dead?"

"Of course she isn't! The heart monitor is still on!"

Kilian and Yuri sat by the hospital bed y/n was laying on, watching as the young woman slept peacefully.

She was just resting, but her husband and nephew were very worried about her even though there was no reason for it.

The little boy was relieved to see that his Aunt didn't seem to be in pain. Alessandro had been thorough when he protected them from harm with his body.

Y/n had been practically untouched while the only injury Kilian had sustained was that hit to the head.

It was a mild concussion, but the doctor still advised him to be careful. He would be well enough to return to school, with an excuse from P.E. until further notice, but he couldn't find it in him to be happy.

His Grandfather had been whisked off to a private hospital to avoid conflict with the authorities, but Kilian had heard bits and pieces about his condition.

In short, he wasn't doing too well.

He also caught wind of a conversation which Elena, Serafina, and Zain had with y/n earlier. About what happened to Edith.

Kilian peeked into his Aunt's hospital room and wasn't all that surprised to find Serafina there with Elena and Zain.

He planned on entering, but stopped when he identified the serious atmosphere of the room.

"—we found Edith's body a couple blocks away before anyone else could." Zain was saying, "At first, we assumed that she dragged herself there and died after the blast, but Elena confirmed that she'd been killed."

"Killed?" y/n echoed.

"Whoever did it was careful, they tried to make her death seem natural, but their skills don't exceed mine. She died of suffocation." Elena explained, "Considering they tried to make it seem like she'd died of her injuries, I believe they wanted to kill her so you couldn't trace her back to them. Since she lacks the pain tolerance to make in through an interrogation."

Y/n blinked once, "What are you trying to say?"

The trio exchanged a look before Serafina walked over and whispered something to y/n. Kilian strained to hear what the woman was saying, but couldn't.

He tried reading her lips instead.

'Mole? Like the animal?' Kilian wondered as Serafina pulled away from y/n with a grim expression.

The young woman exhaled, "Any ideas?"

"Not as of yet, but we should be careful." Serafina advised, "It's too early to be pointing fingers, but it'd be best for us to keep an eye out."

A mole. Serafina believed that there was someone on the inside conspiring against them, and trying to screw things up. They'd already managed to cause some damage, as both Gram and Arron had been killed in the blast, so there was no telling what they'd do next.

Kilian decided not to worry over that.

'Auntie must be really scared...' Kilian thought sadly as he rested his head against the bed, 'I hope Grandpa feels better soon so he can cheer her up.'

"You don't have to worry."

Kilian blinked and glanced at Yuri, "?"

The young man held his wife's hand in his grasp, his expression serious yet gentle at the same time.

𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐏𝐒 ✄ 𝐒𝐏𝐘𝐗𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now