⭑ Keith x Galra!Male!reader ⭑

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(parts 1&2 combined)


keiths pov

I wake up like usual and head to the training room and train for a few hours.

time skip~

"PALADINS REPORT TO THE CONTROL ROOM WE NEED VOLTRON GO GO GO" Allura yells on the intercom of the castle. i run and suit up. 

I walk into the control room to be greeted by Shiro. 

"Keith were on a rescue mission so get to your lion" I nod my head rushing to my hanger and climbing into red.

"are you ready girl?" I then hear a light purr, taking that as a yes I start up the controls and head to our destination.

Time skip again~

I walk onto the giant ship undetected with Shiro leading the way. he signals me towards the cells. he starts opening one by one as i do the same. I then get to the last cell checking if anyone was present, but nothing.

"Hello is anyone there" i whisper to check. All i hear is a slight jangle of chains. I look once again seeing a light tint of a bright glowing yellow. I open the cell slowly seeing a dark figure. I walk towards it then seeing light soft looking purple fur. He was tall and held in chains with a muzzle placed tightly over his mouth and tears steaming down his face from the pain and hope that we came.

"I-im Keith the red paladin from Voltron are you okay?" He shakes his head rapidly then slowly drops his head with sorrow. I walk over and remove the chains and muzzle.

"Whats your name" I say trying my hardest to not look away. His eyes were bright and frighting for a moment, his ears then drop to the sides of his head.

"I-I'm (Y/N) and you don't have to pretend. I shake my head and place his arm around my shoulder.

"Team Voltron is gonna get you out of here" His ears then perk up and the sides of his mouth curve into a show stopping smile. I couldn't help but smile and blush. We walk over to Shiro.

"Is he the last one?" Shiro asks looking concern for the older male. I nod my head. we head out, I then take (Y/N) to red and fly off. 

Time skip~

We walk into the castle. We've already asked Allura to set up a healing pod. once we walk into the control room Allura gasps but places him in the pod anyways.

She looks up and starts a series of questions.

"1:Were is he gonna sleep  2:Who's gonna watch him 3:What is his name?

I answer her questions with "1:With me 2:i will and 3:(Y/N)."she nods her head.

Time skip~

Y/N pov

I wake up seeing a light tint of green clouding my vision. Once my eyes are open i see 7 faces. The first one was a woman with long snowy white hair and strange blue eyes. The second was a male with light tanned skin, light brown hair and Georges blue eyes. Then a girl with uneven dirty blonde hair and big round glasses covering her brown eyes. The other 4 were Keith, champion and a strange tall man with a bright orange mustache. The other was a dark skinned male with large caring dark brown eyes.

I am then released from the pod with one foot touching the floor lightly. All attention was turned towards me.

 i tumble forward, coming in contact with a muscular chest. my eyes wander to the person before me. he wore a wide smile. his amethyst eyes sparkled with relief.

"Keith?" his smile grew larger.

"i'm so glad your okay!" he stated happily. my face grew warm noticing i'm still in the mans embrace. he then helped me over to sit and rest. i soon then gained my composer again, i was really light headed. i looked down at the ground frowning.

"hi i'm pidge!" the green paladin stated stretching out her hand. i smile and shook her hand. then the blue paladin strolled over placing a hand on his outstretched hip. he wore a large smirk.

"the names lance~" he said with a flirty tone, winking in the process. my face grew warm as Keith glared daggers at him.

"i'm hunk!" the large male seemed to be the nicest of the bunch. i gave a close eyed smile.

"thank you all so much you don,t know how much i dreaded that place." my voice a bit raspy due to not talking for a while. they looked at me with smiles

"that's team voltron for you! by the way i'm allura!" she stated.

"why were you locked up?" Keith asks arching a brow.

"i rather not talk about it...." i soon find interest in my shoes. i hope they don't try to ask again.

"okay then if that's what you want....." a short silence came throughout the room. until a small gasp escaped my lips. i clutch my arm trying to go unknown, but the pain is severe. it spreads through my body until i collapse to the ground. my body creating a thump sound. as my vision turns black.

keith's pov

what is he hiding i think to myself running a hand through my hair. until thump. what was that? i turn to see (Y/N) lying there unconscious on the floor. i run towards him. trying to shake him awake until his eyes open slowly. but something seemed off.... he had a murderis glance in his eyes. he pushed me away. my head started to pound not knowing what to do until. shiro crept behind him shoving his arms towards his back suspending him in place.

he growled trying to break free. shiro took his robotic arm, charged it up and knocked him out cold. he fell to the floor once again with a loud thump. shiro picked him up and brought him down to the chamber. he didn't suspend him like they did on the galra ship but he was kept in a force field or barrier type thing. he woke up again griping his head looking up. both ears flopped to the side of his head.

"s-sorry" he mumbled looking ashamed. tears then started to roll down his cheeks.

"i can't beat her.." he whispered under his breath. shiro caught it then said.

"who is 'her'?" he asked. (Y/N) then looked up eyes widening in shocked. he pointed to shiros arm taking a ragged breath before speaking in a trembling voice.

"t-the one w-w-who did t-that...." he shiverd and his nose twiched along with his ears. he closed his eyes sighing. his skin turned (S/C). his hair turned (H/C) and his eyes turned (E/C) as they fluttered open.

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