⭑ Lance x male winged reader ⭑

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Requested by: @akiayuri

No ones pov
The blue paladin sighed not knowing what to do with the free time on his hands.

"Ugh!! I'm so bored!" He groaned throwing his arms in the air.

"Lance? Is there something wrong?" Allura asks looking up from the castle monitors.

"I'm just bored.." He stated sighing louder. The princess rolled her eyes then an idea popes into her head.

"Well..... There is a private mission.." She states hoping the brunette just looked at the ground.

"Well maybe I'll ask Keith..?" Then out of nowhere.

"I'll do it you don't need to ask the mullet!!" The brunette shouted. The princess smiled.

"Alright then I'll send the coordinates to blue!" She stated happily.

Lances pov
I think allura tricked me so she wouldn't have to deal with me being bored oh well. She did say there was another species I could discover that's cool I guess.

As soon as I land on the planet the scenery takes me a bit to process... It looked like earth!

"Whoa." The there was someone hiding in a bush just staring. I walked towards her. She was young and had short blue hair with purple eyes.

"Hi there.." I say waving she moved back.

"I'm lance, I'm not here to hurt you!" She then jumped which was strange. She had big feathery WINGS?!

I then started to follow her. I ran after her but she was too fast. I came into a clearing and noticed I was lost. Great! Then five people of the same species aimed a sword towards my neck. I raised my hands in defeat.

"I-I come in peace. I am here on a mission sent by the princess of altea!" I say still terrified.

"Men lower your weapons" a smooth velvety voice called out. The an arm was placed on my shoulder as the others bowed.

"And what might be your name? And why did allura send you?" I look up to meet (e/c) eyes. Then I noticed he didn't have a shirt so his toned muscles were showing. This caused the heat to rise in my face.

He had a soft smile and large feathery wings.

"I-I'm l-lance and allura sent me to get out of the Castle"

"Oh I see allura was annoyed with your presence. I wonder why you're quite cute." He sighed.

"Oh right sera come apologize!"

"What but he's the one who chased me!" The young girl I met earlier shouted. She puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms.

"It is kind of my fault, um sorry for startling you." I stated scratching the back of my neck. Then a smile of triumph grow on her face.

The male then sighed and looked at the young girl.

"Forgive her for her rudeness my name is (y/n), and it's pleasure to meet you lance!" He stated stretching out his arm. I grabbed his hand and shook it it felt like electricity just traveled through my body.

"N-nice to meet you too."

Time skip~

No ones pov
The brunette sighed now he was having so much fun with theses people who he sooned learned they were called warfuts a winged species. Right now the blue paladin was sitting with a group of girls who were admiring his skin playing with his hair and complementing his body structure. He only blushed at the complements. Then a tall man with (h/l) (h/c) hair walked by. His heart fluttered it was the same man who saved his life at there first meeting. Then the girls that were surrounding him started to giggle. He didn't understand.

He then saw all of their eyes turn pink.

"Aww he's in love with the leader" One of them stated then all the others nodded there heads. The males face turned scarlet over his freckles.

"We knew you had a thing for him! You must be soul mates!" The all started to squeal. The brunette placed his hands over his ears and stood up. He made his way to the door open it and sighed siting down in front of it.

"Are you all right?" The girl named sera said placing her hands on her knees and bending down. The male only nodded.

"You know your lucky." She said Turing her head the boy.

"Why?" He said giving a questioning look.

"If it weren't for my brother you would be dead. Your lucky he likes you." She said turning and pouting as her wings rested against the wall next to him.

"He likes me? Wait what kind of like?" The brunette asked tilting his head to the side.

"Ever since the princess became our ally. She would come and brag about her Paladins. Pidge being super smart."
"Hunk being so kind and can cook out of anything."
"Keith being talented with combat."
"Shiro being the best leader."
"And you.. Are his favorite the cute, flirty and silly pilot.."
"You know I envy you lance..."
She stated her wings tensing up as she heard foot steps.

She stood up and let purple eyes meet blue ones. She stretched out her hand. The male took it and stood up. She then lead him somewhere. Whenever he asked were they were going she ignored until she stopped hiding behind a bush pulling the boy down with her.

"Where ar-" she cut him off placing a finger over his lips. He rolled his eyes and looked forward. What he saw was amazing.

There was a large rock with a waterfall in front of it. The water was so clear and the trees around were so vibrant. The young girl pushed the brunette forward with her wing. He looked at her confused but then once he looked up and meet sparking (e/c) orbs.

"L-lance what are you doing here?" The male asked placing his hand on the smaller males waist keeping him sturdy so he wouldn't fall. The smaller male was frozen his whole body felt like it was on fire. His face aflame from the contact with the other male.
"I-I-I um I don't r-really know my self." He said looking back at the bush to noticed she was gone. He looked back into the eyes of the male before him.

"You know your really hot" it was a slip of tongue from the paladin. The older male smirked and arched a brow until the brunette noticed what he said and fumbled over his words.

"I-I mean cute! N-no handsome!" The brunette placed his hands over his face. And mumbled an apology. All the older male could do was remove the brunettes hands away from his face, Cup his cheeks and capture his lips in a passionate kiss. The brunette was tense but then melted into it.

They pulled away in a daze.

"You should head back to allura before you get captured by the girls again." Lance only nodded still dazed but walked to blue. He traced his lips with his fingers. He couldn't stop smiling like and idiot.

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