CHAPTER 2 || Baby steps

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Jimin jolted up when he heard the beeping of his alarm , his rubbed his tired eyes and glanced around his semi lit room thanks to the bit of sunshine peeking through his curtains

He stretched over and lightly tapped the top of the device silencing it , as he was about to get up he felt something shift beside him . He whipped back his head around only to see two ears sticking out from under the covers

He quickly remembered the cat he had brought in from the rain last night , he lifted the blanket and immediately froze "WHAT THE HELL" He screeched backing away until he fell backwords onto the floor hitting his head against the hardwood

His mind was going haywire

why was a boy in his bed?

and why was he naked at that

"Oh god" he groaned rubbing the back of his head , he stood up careful not to look at the naked boy . He covered his eyes and threw back the covers over him

Once that was done he let out a relieved sigh , but that he was still confused to why someone was in his bed . A stranger that he was pretty sure he'd never seen before in his life although he'd not even got a glimpse of his face

He reached for the ears that were still sticking out of the sheets and yanked on them lightly , they twitched and he heard a cry of pain "ouchie" followed by "that hurts please stop" the boy sat up with a frown on his face

That was when Jimin got a good look on his face , his hair was half black half blonde , his eye colors were also different depending on the sides , the blonde side's eye was hazel and the black side's was blue . He had smooth caramel skin , perfectly arched eyebrows, long flirtatious eyelashes , pinchable apple cheeks and heart shaped pink lips

"Who are you and why are you in my bed?" Jimin asked trying his best to keep his eyes up and off the boy's chest , the boy cutely tilted his head "what do you mean? you wanted me to sleep with you" he says

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows "I'm pretty sure if I asked you to sleep with me I'd remember" he blinked "how did you get into my house?" The boy's eyes widened "you can understand what I'm saying?" He asked leaning in a little too close for Comfort , the older backed away getting a bit nervous

"Of course I do I'm not dumb" Jimin shook his head massaging his temples , the boy stretched out his hand but immediately halted and his eyes darted to his hand , they widened and he let out a scream loud enough for the neighbors a street down to hear

Jimin winced and covered his ears "why are you screaming?" He asked , the boy looked down at his body in confusion "why do I look like this?" He asked poking himself "what is this?" He asked running his hands through his hair until he felt the ear , a sigh of relief Came from him "oh my ears are still here"

He moved the sheets and his tail rose , Jimin watched all of this with wide eyes "what are you?" He slowly backed away , the boy who looked as if he completely forgot about him whipped his head around "i don't know , I was a cat but I don't know what happened to me" he says

"A cat?" Jimin asked , the younger nodded "you found me in the bushes last night when it was raining and Carried me inside , you dried me and then gave me something to eat" he explained , Jimin was clueless to all of this until the memories of last night resurfaced

Why didn't he realize until now the resemblance between the boy and the cat was so uncanny , he had no choice but to believe that it was actually him but how can a cat turn into a human that's.....impossible

"This is so fascinating" the boy said as he pulled down the covers more from over himself exposing his naked boy , Jimin immediately closed his eyes "you can't just go around naked , you're not Adam" he screeched

The boy furrowed his eyebrows "who's Adam?" He asked , Jimin shook his head "of course you wouldn't get the reference" he sighed

He felt his way over to his draws and opened it pulling out the first thing he felt , after confirming that it was in fact a hoodie he threw it over to younger "put that on" he ordered

"Put it on?" He asked , Jimin bit his lip "fuck he's a cat he doesn't know how to put on clothes" he muttered to himself "but I can't look at him naked I don't even know how old he is , I could go to jail" he huffed

After further conversation with himself he decided he'd help the catboy out "pull back the sheet over your legs" he ordered "okay" the boy says some seconds after supposedly doing the deed

Jimin peeked to see if he had done it and he surprisingly he did , he walked over to him and grabbed the hoodie off of the bed "hands up" he ordered , the boy furrowed his eyebrows "what is hands?" He asked , it was like Jimin was talking to a brick wall or a child

"These" He pointed at the boy's hand , he let a little 'oh' sound "like paws?" He asked , Jimin nodded "you raise them like this" he then demonstrated by raising his own arms , the boy watched and mimicked easily "like this?" He asked , Jimin nodded

He slid the hoodie over his head and over his entire body "there you go" the older smiled , the boy giggled and pounced at him . Jimin was caught off guard and fell backwards onto the floor

"Woah" He yelped positioning his hands at the younger's waist as he was now straddling him , the boy leaned down closer to him and nuzzled their noses together purring , their lips slightly brushed . Jimin remembered when he had done this to the boy last night but he was a cat back then , the older's eyes widened and his cheeks began to burn . A shade of pink appearing

He gulped and lifted the boy off of him , he stood up and unintentionally glanced at the clock , his eyes then widened "shit I'm going to be late" he groaned about to jogg out of the room when he felt a hand hold onto his ankle

"Wait" the boy called trying to stand up and walk to jimin but fell face first into the floor , he then sat back up and looked up at the older with watery eyes . Jimin ran to him "are you okay" he asked cradling the boy in his arms , he nodded

"I'm okay" he said as tears started pouring out of his eyes , Jimin sighed "I get it because you're so used to walking on your four paws you don't know how to walk on two legs" he sighed , the younger sniffled wiping away his tears

"Why is water coming out of my eyes?" He asked , Jimin chuckled "it happens when you're sad or hurt" he says standing up

"Give me your hands" he ordered , the boy looked at him skeptically before he complied . Jimin pulled him up onto his feet , his eyes widened in terror and he shook his head "no , no , no" as more tears started pouring out of his eyes

"It's okay , it's okay" the older assures "I got you" he said with a small smile , the boy looked at him with trusting eyes

"One step at a time , like this" Jimin demonstrates by putting one foot in front of the other , the younger followed as Jimin supported him "that's it , you're doing it" he chuckled

The boy smiled slightly "see its easy , you just need to take baby steps" Jimin says , the younger furrowed his eyebrows "tiny humans?" He asked , Jimin chuckled furrowing his eyebrows "is that what you call babies?" He asked , The boy nodded smiling

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