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English has always been my favourite subject. Let it be reading or writing, I'd always enjoyed both. Attending English classes was like pure bliss for me.


At the moment, I couldn't comprehend the words that Mrs. Hatcher was reciting over and over again in her melodious voice.

If it goes on like this, I may end up in my favourite class for years due to my good grades awaiting me in the near future.

I lost track of how many times Skye pinched me to say, 'Earth to Emily'. For once, I thought that it was the title of the new book our teacher was going to take today.

He is the death of me. Vincent Zaphyr, really, is the death of me.

I tore my gaze from him every now and then to not make him uncomfortable.

More like, to not give him any hint of my underlying feelings.

I'm a pro at hiding my feelings. I really am.

Like all other noises, I couldn't catch the ringing of the bell, as well. I was in that trance until he got up from his seat and exited the class.

Skye waved her perfectly manicured hand in front of my face. I immediately jolted up and picked up my books.

I was so not in the mood for her teasing session.

"Ahem, ahem," She fake-coughed all knowingly.

I faced her, "Okay, I agree. I gawked him for most of the time and couldn't even catch the title of the new book that Mrs.Hatcher took just a few moments ago. I'm pathetic sometimes, I know."

I saw Skye's eyes widen at my obliviousness to my surroundings.

I would have continued my ranting if Skye hadn't held me by my shoulders.

"Geez. Emily, stop it! I didn't know that my bestie had the habit of ranting."

Well, me too.

"Oh, um. Sorry, Skye." I looked around to see if anybody had overheard our little oh-so-secret conversation.

Luckily, no one was around.

"I don't mind you looking at Vincent like he's the only thing that reminds you to breathe. I've taken it as my job to tease you every day. I like how you get all-defensive about him. It's cute."

I internally cringed.

"Whatever. Just accompany me to my locker." I said, and she glared at me, "Please Skye," I added.

"Like I said, it's fun to tease you, Em." Skye smirked.

I playfully rolled my eyes, and we left the class.



"Don't you get jealous, Emily?" Skye asked while we stole glances at Vincent and Heather.

We're all now sitting at the school cafeteria, and the bickering noise of the teenagers is enough to give you a nice headache.

When I said 'We're all', I meant that me and Skye were settled in an isolated corner, and Vincent and Heather were in another isolated corner.

I knew that Vincent had social awkwardness, so he only talked to Heather.

"No. I don't." I answered Skye's question in a monotonous voice.

Skye lifted her hand and made a small space between her index finger and thumb, "Not even this much?"

I shook my head.

"Oh, come on, Emily!" She whined.

Taking a deep breath, I asked her, "Observe him, what emotions do you see, Skye?" I motioned her to Vincent.

After thinking for a moment, she replied, "Admiration, .  . happiness and,vl"

I cut her off, "Exactly. That's my point. If he's so happy with her, how can I be jealous of her? I respect her for keeping him happy. That's all I want."

"Okie dokie, you win, Ms.Open-minded." Skye replied with a mock salute.

When I turned my vision towards Vincent, I saw him cupping his face in his palms and carefully listening to each and every word that Heather spoke. He looked at her like, his world revolved around her.

They've been together for three years, Emily. No wonder why.

But, in moments like these, I can't help but wish I were Heather.

I quickly pushed aside that thought.

No. I shouldn't think like that.

"Come on, Emily, let's go." Saying so, Skye stood up.

And now, this was why she's my best friend, she knew when my mood changed ever so slightly.

I shoved the remaining fries into my mouth and left the cafeteria.

"When is Rayne returning?" I asked her as we were on our way to the next class.

She looked at me at the mention of her boyfriend. Immediately, her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Don't say to me that you forgot that Ray is returning in two days." Skye replied while keeping her hands on her hips for the dramatic effect.

"Oops. That small piece of information might have slipped from my mind." I replied in an unapologetic tone.

She narrowed her eyes playfully, "Then, Ms. Short Memory, can you tell me, when was the last time Vincent wore a white shirt?"

"It's last Tuesday, Ms. Offended Girlfriend." My eyes widened as soon as the words left my mouth.

The answer came out almost involuntarily.

Good job, Emily. Good job.

She did a 'that's all your honor' gesture.

I gave an awkward smile, and the next moment, we burst out laughing like people who successfully escaped the mental asylum.

We were weirdos made for each other.

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