Chapter 20 - Knives Everywhere, Trouble Everywhere

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It has been a few days since the attack happened. The king informed his people that students from schools needed to go through therapy, since their young minds are still developing and in need for guidance to cope up with trauma.

Allen sat with his family, peacefully eating their breakfast.

"Tsk. Such horrible events are happening now these days. We should be very careful in our surroundings." Regine said, shaking her head with clear worry on her expression.

Allen took a glance at his mother, then he awkwardly shifts his attention to the food he's eating. 'Unfortunately, there are more horrible things that will happen in the future. Trust me, it's much worse.' he thought to himself.

"Indeed." Elliott agreed. "Allen, I have observed that you're coming home late again. Just what on earth are you up to? I hope you're not causing trouble again." he looked at his son with critical eyes.

Allen almost gulped. Technically, they were stalking Felix Oswin, aka the villain demon named Abigor. Though they were trying to ensure everyone's safety, they're at a high risk of attracting trouble.

"Of course not. There's no point for me to do so, since there are recent continuous disasters happening in this country. I say, it's quite unfortunate." Allen tells a half lie. 

His father, Elliott, narrowed his eyes at him.

Allen just focused his attention towards the food. He had no better options, other than delivering his words that way. If he only told them he won't cause trouble anymore, without any reasonable explanations relating to his personality. Surely, his family won't believe him. It's expected, he did cause a disgraceful reputation throughout these years.

After everyone finished their breakfast, Allen walked through the hallways, heading on his way outside the mansion.

A few moments later, he passed through his butler, Sean.

"It seems that young master Allen is telling the truth after all." Sean said in a low tone.

Allen turned to him, looking a bit confused. A second later, realization clicked through his mind. Ever since that incident where they caught him messed up and covered in bruises, they clearly got the wrong idea, Allen had to come up with an excuse that time. That must be the incident which Sean was referring to.

"Of course. Like I said, there's no way I'll let those fools escape that easily. I made sure that the headmaster punished them thoroughly." Allen lied as he tries to make a smug expression, which was fortunately done successfully.

Sean looks at the boy with an emotionless expression. However, the other could tell that he seems to be considering the statement.

Allen turns his back on Sean and proceeds on his way. Honestly, he finds it strange though. Recently, Sean seems to be a bit nice to him and the other servants weren't avoiding him unlike before. Although, some of them seem to be a bit wary. Allen doesn't care though, at least their hate doesn't reach to the point of murdering him, like literally.

A few seconds later, when Allen's already near the door, he saw Kivy slipping knives into one of his belongings. This made him flinch and he pretended not to notice, deciding to move his gaze on a different direction. Allen noticed that the kid has been doing that recently, he didn't know the reason to what caused such actions.

"Young master Allen." a voice says.

Allen almost yelped at this person's sudden appearance. He was able to cover his surprise with an irritated expression as he looks down to see who the person was. It turns out, it was Ivy.

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