Coach J

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*Jess's POV*

"Hello everyone. I'm Coach J, I'll be subbing for your usual boxing instructor today," said the coach standing in front of the class. They had beautiful eyes and perfect muscles, I couldn't stop staring. "Everyone pair up for the rest of class, we're doing partner stretching and drills today." I normally take this class with Winston but he was on duty today. I looked around and everyone was already paired up. "Looks like you're with me, doe eyes," Coach J looked over to me. I smiled. "Jess," I said, extending my hand. The coach shook my hand, "Julian, or Jules. Let's get started."

- - -

*Julian's POV*

The delicate looking girl in front of me was a lot stronger than she looks. I was impressed with her boxing skills, she doesn't look like someone who'd be great at it, but I was pleasantly surprised.
"Great class everyone," I waved at the people leaving class, our hour was up. I turned to close up the room and saw Jess looking around. "I'm so sorry, I can't find where I put my glasses," Jess said. "It's no problem, I'll help you look." I didn't have to look for long, they were on top of the speaker so no one would step on them during class. "Here they are," I gently placed the glasses back on her face. Jess blushed, "Th-thanks." "No problem, it was nice to meet you, Jess." "You too," she said, almost walking into the doorframe, "Bye." I waved and laughed. She was strange, but a good kind of strange. I hoped I would see her again as I locked up the studio.
I walked out of the gym and into the parking lot. "Oh hey Jess, everything okay?" I said, seeing Jess standing alone on the sidewalk. "Oh, yeah, I'm just waiting for my friend to pick me up, he's not usually late," Jess said, looking up from her phone. "I'll wait with you, there are a lot of creeps out here, looking to pick up pretty girls like you," I said. Jess blushed, "Thank you but I don't want  to keep you, I'm sure you have somewhere to be." "Don't worry about it, it's starting to get dark, and I've got some time." "Thanks, Julian. Will you be coaching the class again next week?" "I think so, Coach Kate is on a two week vacation so I should be back next week." Just as Jess was about to respond a car pulled up to us at the sidewalk. The person in the car rolled down the window, "Hurry up and get in, Jess. I've got dinner reservations with Cece. Hello, Jess's friend. Jess, let's go." "That's my roommate," Jess lowered her voice, "He's upset because his favorite jeans store is closing." I nodded, even though I was very confused by this, "Bye Jess." "Bye Julian, see you next week," Jess said, getting into the car. She waved at me as they drove away, I waved and smiled. I laughed as I walked to my car. Something about her and her roommate looked familiar, I figure I've seen them around the gym before.

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*Jess's POV*

I had just finished showering and changing after the gym when I heard Winston yell out from the hallway, "Nick, Jess! Come meet someone!" I walked out of my room into the kitchen where I heard talking and laughing.
Winston turned to introduce me to his friend, "Jess, I'd like you to meet J-" "Julian! Hey!" I said, beaming at them. "You two know each other?" Aly asked. "I met Jess at the gym this morning," Julian said, smiling at me, "I knew you looked familiar, I've seen you in pictures on Bishop's desk." "You work with Winston?" I asked. "Yeah, Pepperwood just made detective. We brought them over to celebrate." "Pepperwood? Your name is Julian Pepperwood?" I asked, trying not to laugh. "It is," Julian said, confused, "Is there a reason why that's strange?" "Our other roommate, Nick, is writing a book about a detective named Julius Pepperwood," Winston said. "I heard my name," Nick says coming into the kitchen. "This is Julian Pepperwood, our friend from work," Winston introduced Nick and Julian, "Pepperwood, this is Nick." "Julian Pepperwood, huh? What, are you a detective too?" Nick laughed. "Yes, actually," Julian responded. "You're not going to sue me, are you? Cause I passed the bar exam," Nick said, with some stress in his voice. The loft members laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not planning on suing you for writing a book about someone with a name close to mine. I'd love to read it when it's finished though," Jules said. "Yeah, Nick. When are you going to be finished? You've been writing for quite some time now," Winston said, looking at Nick. "Well, I, um-" Nick panic moonwalked all the way back to his room, bumping into quite a few things on the way. "What was that?" Julian asked, watching Nick. "It's a thing he does when he panics, he just, moonwalks away," I responded, laughing. "Interesting," Jules laughs, picking up the champagne glass Aly poured, "Let's celebrate!" We all grabbed a glass, "To Jules' promotion!" We all laughed, talked, and drank, I just could not keep my eyes off of Julian. Julian smiled at me whenever they caught me staring.
"Fergie!" Julian yelled while we were sitting on the couch talking. Ferguson ran over and jumped into Julian's lap. "I've seen so many pictures of you little guy! It's great to finally meet you!" "Ferguson seems to like you already," I said, taking in the cuteness of the two of them together. "Wow, he's usually not this friendly to people he's just met," Winston said, reaching out to pet Ferguson. "Hmm, animals just tend to like me I guess," Julian smiled. I swallowed the nervousness in my stomach, I'm a sucker for animal lovers.

An hour or so later, Schmidt and Cece came back from dinner. "Oh hello again, Jess's gym friend," Schmidt said, walking in. "Hi, uhhh." "Schmidt," I whispered to Jules. "Hi again, Schmidt," Julian said. Cece walked over to us, "Hi, I'm Cece. Please excuse my fiancé, he's a bit grumpy because his favorite jeans store is closing." Julian shook Cece's hand, "So I heard. I'm Julian." "Ohh, you're Winston's friend from work, right? Congrats on making detective!" Cece said. Julian nodded, "Yeah, thank you!"  Cece and Schmidt decided to join us. We all continued to drink, talk, and laugh as it got later.

"Wow, it's getting late, I should probably head home," Julian said, looking at their watch. "Haven't you had a few too many drinks to drive home?" Winston asked. "Shit, you're right. Uh, I guess I could take an Uber and come get my car in the morning?" Jules responded. "Nonsense," I interjected, "You can stay here tonight." "Jess, thank you but I couldn't trouble you all with that." "It's no trouble at all, we'd love to have you, right, Winston?" "Huh? Yeah sure," Winston responded, barely paying attention. "Um, sure then, why not?" Jules said.
"Well in that case... EVERYONE IN HERE!" I yelled, "The game is True American..." "Jess, you don't need to scream, everyone is in here but Nick," Schmidt interjected. "Ok yeah we need to get more alcohol into him before he gets grumpier," Cece said, patting Schmidt on the back, "Let's play!" "What's up?" Nick asked, strolling into the room, "Is this another weird loft meeting?" "No," I sighed, "We're playing True American." "Alright, I'm in," Nick said.
"Great! Okay, like I said, the game is True American..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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