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9 weeks pregnant

It's been two weeks since I told my parents. I have also told my boss but obviously, I didn't tell him who the father was. He is now way more comprehensive to the fact that I have to go slow and sit.

Harry and I have been texting a lot since he left. He told me that he was in Australia but also that he would be flying back for the weekend to London to see his family. He asked me to come with him to tell his mother. At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to but I said yes, we could have a nice time. It's nice to get to meet his family, although I don't know what he means by family. Will there be all of his extended cousins? Who knows? We are going to visit them tonight and Harry is picking me up at my apartment.

I hold two dresses in front of me, looking in my mirror and trying to figure out which one I should wear. I'm so nervous, I don't want to make a bad impression. Not that we're together or anything but you know. I don't want his family to hate me. Or to think I dress bad, that would be offensive and shameful. Millie is sitting on my bed watching me while trying to hide her laughter.

I throw a tee shirt in her face, how dare she be amused by my misery? "Can you help me instead of laughing at me!"

"Fine! Just wear the yellow one with the flowers. It'll look so good with your shoes." She says.

"Couldn't you have said that earlier, like before I flipped my whole closet upside down?" I gesture to my clothes scattered all around my bedroom. She rolls her eyes and continues to flip the pages of her magazine. Unbothered, as always.

I put the dress on and let my hair natural. I curl my lashes and put some mascara. I add a transparent gloss and I take a white shoulder bag purse. I take a look at myself in the mirror.

"Look at you looking all good to meet your mother and sister-in-law!" Millie jokes.

"Stop it I'm so nervous I might throw up. Maybe there will be other people there."

"Don't throw up, this dress is way too expensive for your vomit to ruin it." She says pointing her finger at my dress.

"Very funny thank you, Mills!" I throw a slipper in her face. When it hits her, she realizes what I just did and starts running after me with the slipper in her hand. I run to the living room to escape her. We giggle like two children and end up throwing ourselves on our couch.

I hear a car park outside and a door slam. I instantly know it's Harry. It's weird but lately I've been able to sense his presence.

"Shit that's him. I have to go. Do I look okay?" Millie gives me a thumbs up. I nod and go to the closet. I grab a coat and walk towards the door.

When I open the door, Harry is right in front of it his fist in the air like he was ready to knock. He is wearing a white shirt and yellow pants.

"How'd you know I was here? I didn't knock did I?" He says, putting his hands in his jeans pocket. He seems as nervous as I am.

"No you didn't, I just heard your car. Do you want to come in?" I gesture to the open door. One piece of hair is falling on his forehead and for some reason, I can't stop looking at it. It's hypnotizing.

He brushes his hand through his hair, ruining the curl that I had been staring at. "No, that's fine we can go if you're ready?" he says showing me his car.

"Sure let's go." He places his hand behind my back and opens the door for me. He looks at my dress and starts chuckling.

"What ?" I say a little irritated at him for laughing at my outfit.

"We're matching" He replies looking back and forth at his outfit and mine.

"Oh my god yes! Your mom is going to think we did it on purpose it's sure."

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