Chapter 4

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Hugging a total stranger, huh? I never thought I will see the day that this will happen to me.

To everything I've experienced so far, I am not the right person who can give comfort to someone.

Because all my life I never experienced to have someone that will comfort me, give me attention, care for me and love me. So I'm really clueless in regards with giving comfort to others.

I am far from perfect, nor I'm innocent. I've seen enough devil in this world making me believe that no one will gave you anything without ripping something from you.

Trusting someone will only make you weak and vulnerable. Letting them in your heart will only hurt you in the long run.

Love, its just a cheap empty word without any meaning. And life is not fair, and it always will be.

To be strong enough, I need to harden the wall around my heart. Letting my mind become more mature as what my father taught me, because as he says no one will save me but myself.

And its true, as what I've seen so far. I live my life, as what my father taught me how should I lived mine and like he said nothing really bad happened to me.

But why, I'm feeling like this? There is an unknown feeling blossoming deeply inside me, while I gave comfort to this man.

Gripping the man tightly around my body, I can't help to feel scared but at the same time happy and content.

Why is that?

Suddenly he pull away, and wipe his cheeks that has been soak with his tears. Seeing a grown man cry like that might be hard to believe, but I guess like me there is something deeply hurting him that he can't tell to anyone.

Actually I felt envious of him because he can cry his worries away, but I can't. Like my tears have frozen, and even my heart.

"You know, I never thought that you will have such a smart mouth.." He suddenly said, snapping me away from my thoughts.

I grin and scoot farther from him, and lean back on my chair. "Its not originally mine, actually. I've just learned it from someone.."

Surprisingly, he grow rigid as his eyes turn to slits while gripping the armrest tightly with his hands.

"Who is it?" He growl.

I blink my eyes, and gape open mouthed at him. What just happened to him?


He suddenly lean towards me, and slam his hands over my head totally caging my body.


"I ask you who is it?!" He hissed and I don't know if its because of the darkness but I think I saw his eyes change color.

Scoffing to my own stupid thoughts, I touch his chest and push him but he is much stronger than I thought he would be.

Sighing defeatedly, I drop my hands and look at his eyes. "Geez, its my father. Why are you being like this anyway? Is there something wrong?"

He's face turn red up to the tips of his ears. Moving away slowly, he drop his gaze and sat back down on his chair.

Silence envelop us, and honestly its quite suffocating. Looking back at him secretly, I saw him fidget on his seat, tapping his foot uncontrollably. Sometimes he will turn to me, as if he want to tell me something but he will abruptly stop and look ahead while mumbling incoherent words under his breath.

Honestly, its creepy and pretty scary. He just broke down to tears a while ago and then he suddenly become angry, and now he's being paranoid.

Ugh, people is really hard to understand..

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