Chapter 15: Freedom

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The door kicks open finally and Mr Davis comes rushing in with the Janitor. I am so glad he's here, I can finally go home.

"Alyssa, they didn't hurt you, did they?" Mr Davis looks at me with great concern, he knows what these boys are like and he will do anything to keep them here.

"No, I am fine sir." I give him my best-assuring smile.

"Oh, I am so glad," he gets so happy. "Did you say Sophia did this? "He looks back at the half-cracked door.

"Yes, sir. She locked me in on purpose." I pretend to wipe a tear, I want that bitch to go down and she will with my crap great acting skills.

"Aww, you poor thing." Mr Davis gasps, seeing my sad little face. "Why don't you get your stuff and go home, it's almost 6. I informed your parents, so they know." He says in a worried tone. I can sue Mr Davis for negligence I am thinking, my dad is a lawyer after all.

"Okay, I nod. But you never came to check on them or me?" I proclaim, watching Mr Davis jaw hit the floor. He looks astonished, like what I am saying.

"I know, I am sorry, sweetheart. It won't happen again." He assures me, with a nervous smile.

"He's lying!" Kenzo calls him out.

"KENZO, BE QUIET!" Mr Davis insists, it obvious he doesn't want to get into trouble.

"I am not going to!" Kenzo snaps at him. "You leave us here for two hours, every day. If we leave and walk into the hallway, your janitor that suck ass reports to you. And then you take our phones away and anything else we have got."

No wonder, only Jett had his phone on him. He must have lied or kept it hidden. This is principle is sick and his abusing his power.

"Kenzo, that's enough! Do you know who you're talking to? "Mr Davis threatens him now. "I can give you a lifetime of detentions, you belong to me. Got that son? He torments him with his deadly words, it makes me sick to see. "You're all mine, for another year." A sinister smile forms on his wicked lips, it's disturbing to watch.

Oh, I am not going to stay quiet and let him do this. These boys are bad, but they don't deserve hell, from this sicko.

"Mr Davis," I begin sounding very confident.

"Yes, Alyssa?" He sighs, realising I am still here.

"You have no right to torment these guys or use your power to abuse them. You have broken the school rules as a principal, and I am going to report you to my father."

"Alyssa, why would you do that?" His voice cracks and he starts to tremble.

"Because you're not behaving like a principle." I warn him. "And you better be nice to these boys from now on or you will be sacked, and your teacher's licence will be revoked." I rant on, throwing in some legal jargon, that he won't understand. Mr Davis gapes at me, his panic-stricken face, almost makes me smile. He doesn't want to lose his power, without it he's nothing.

"I am so sorry, Alyssa! I have a stressful job, please forgive me." Mr Davis pleads with me, with regret in his eyes."  I will be nice to these boys, I promise." He says with such sincerity. I guess he needed a kick in the ass, to bring him down. But I don't know if I believe him, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

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