Chapter 22 (Just this one favor)

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*[Y/N] POV*

OH GOD......I can't believe I actually just did that

Ahri: (snoring)....*soft breathing*....

I mean what the fuck was she thinking.....What the fuck was I even why.....why me.....why couldn't it be someone else......and I REALLY....REALLY....FUCKING HATE THIS TEASING....*sigh*.....i can't believe she just blackmailed me into doing this


Ahri: mean that? *sniff*

[Y/N]:.......yea.......I do much as I didn't want to I just had to know why

Ahri: Oh......thank you [Y/N].....

She gives me a passionate hug....this reminds me of's like she wanted someone to hear what's on her mind so bad.....I mean why didn't she tell Troy this.....and why didn't she muster the courage to tell the girls this

[Y/N]: Ooooook.......ummmm....thanks I guess......anyways....I have 3 questions for you

Ahri:Go ahead

[Y/N]: My question is how come you couldn't muster the courage to tell them this

Ahri: *sigh*'s because didn't want them to see me as a weakling

[Y/N]: How come?.....

Ahri: Remember  I am the leader of kda I can't let them see me like this since I represent them as a whole....without the leader....I'm not sure what they would do....

[Y/N]: Oh.....I see then......second question why didn't you tell Troy this

Ahri: I did.....but turns out.....I was just to delusional *sniff*.......I was telling him this but.......he was ignoring me this whole time......except you though.....

*sigh*.............whatever someone has to......even if that someone is a monster or that doesn't care about this world......

[Y/N]: And my last question is that......will you continue your next music video that you plan for you and girls called.....MORE?....

Grrrr....why.....why am I encouraging uhhhh I just don't understand it

????: It's because you hate to see her sad and the others you moron!

What the........who are you.......I still cant even find out who you even are.....dammit....

????: Only time will tell [Y/N]....I'm just waiting for the perfect moment  hahahaha.....

Perfect moment....whats that gotta mean


....tell me......tell me...........*sigh*....your not there aren't you......goddamit....

Ahri: Hey [Y/N] are you seemed lost In thought for a second

[Y/N]: Yea....just...don't worry about it

Ahri: So about MORE.......welll.....i will.....but under 1 condition

[Y/N]: And that is?

Ahri: Can.........can you sleep with me

With that my eyes just shocked open

[Y/N]: uuhhhhhhh......No...

Ahri: Why??

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