Chapter -6

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Ignore the mistakes 😘


                     NO ONE POV

" Hyung you are hurting me, please " Taehyung whimpered and said to jimin who is looking very furious right now

Jimin took a long breathe and smile at taehyung, who kinda find that smile creepy

" This is very important and unique tae" jimin said while starting at the taehyung neck

Taehyung coughed and look down to his neck to see what the heck he hyung talking about

When he saw the pendant, he likes it because first, it looks expensive and its colour makes it more unique and beautiful

" well-hyung what's so unique what this piece, of diamond if you want you can keep it " Taehyung said while removing the pendant from his neck

Jimin stops him and smiles at him

" Are you dumb you don't know the meaning of this pendant and its value in our Dwight school? " Jimin said while rearranging the pendant beautiful in his friend delicate neck

" Keep it tea it will help you, throughout the school years " jimin said and smiled because he knows the best for his best friend

Taehyung didn't argue and accept his friend advice, because he doesn't know when will be his last day in Dwight school if his bullies don't stop treating him like a punching bag

After that jimin expect taehyung to ask him a question about the pendant but taehyung move from the sofa and start making pizza in the kitchen

Jimin just shake his head and laughed at his friend for dumb behaviour and join him to make the pizza

After making the perfect pizza for them, they took the pizza and coke with them to the living room and jump to the sofa, to get cosy after their hard work

They take a long breath, rest for a while suddenly jimin remembered something so he turns to found taehyung, already enjoying his food

He smacks his head and curse for not waiting for him and taehyung just show his puppy eyes and jimin start laughing while mistakenly fall out of the sofa making taehyung throw out the coke from his mouth to laugh at him

Jimin just pout and taehyung laughed while giving his hand to jimin for help, and he gladly takes it

" Tae I think you should stop laughing now " jimin said while making an angry face to show taehyung that he is serious but in reality, he is really happy seeing his friend laughed out his heart

"Sorry hyung it's  just so funny " Taehyung said and wiped his spill out coke from his mouth

" Maybe you should also need this " Taehyung said while throwing a tissue box at jimin face

And when jimin realised it finally what taehyung did with him

" Tae You fucker " Jimin said and start furiously wiping his hands, but it feels so sticky so he runs to the kitchen and washes his hands properly

Taehyung who now starts watching television with hawk eyes

Jimin takes small steps and screamed at his ears making taehyung choked on his coke

" This is call revenge " Jimin said and smirk at taehyung who is coughing

In the end jimin end up running to the kitchen for a glass of water because taehyung didn't stop coughing and his face turns out red

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