Chapter 37 - Shock

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"It is Saudamini's Father. Jaivardan", Yuvraj answered Anamika.


Neighborhood Kings have started coming to the palace along with their queens after the invitations had been sent, for attending the Naming ceremony of the next yuvraj and the crowning ceremony of the next king, their king who won over them all.

Saudamini was dwelling in her own illusionary world, hallucinating Yuvraj and even Anamika at times and started self-loathing as she feels she is not able to get the love of her husband even after having six children and spending ten years of marriage.

The maids have started gossiping about her mental state and according to their gossips, it's because of Badi bahuranisa giving a heir that choti bahuranisa is upset and even fought with yuvraj as she lost her possible position of becoming a Rajmata(Empress Dowager).

Little did they know that the recent incidents were just a trigger to awake her long lost insecurities, instilled in her mind by her own mother. Her mother had always been a teacher who teaches princess etiquette to her and her sisters and nothing more. If they do a slight mistake like eating for the second time after they finished their served food, she would give punishments physically along with discriminating statements about their physique or behavior.

Now Saudamini has lost herself in her insecurities which were increased time and again, during yuvraj's marriage with Anamika and now when Anamika had her child. Just then a maid came to her hesitantly and informed about the arrival of her father.

Saudamini was really overwhelmed with happiness and went to meet her father whom she loved very dearly and the one who pampered her as his child unlike her mother who saw her as a potential bait to catch yuvraj of the big kingdom.

Saudamini's father Jaivardhan is a man of big dreams. He wanted to become an unbeatable king with the largest land to rule. That's the reason why he went for a war against Ranasa but he was defeated in the war and lost a part of his kingdom as a treaty. It had broken his self confidence and he never went for a war thereafter.

Jaivardan was given the guest room in the palace itself instead of the guest palace away from there, as he is the father of choti bahuranisa. Saudamini reached his chamber and entered the hall excitedly as she is meeting her father after so many years.

But her smile turned into a frown as she saw her father inspecting his sword. As per the invitation, only the king, queen and one of their ministers are allowed in the palace. So Jaivardan took his royal advisor along with him leaving the army general in charge. He expected to see his wife here in the palace but within a few hours, he came to know that she was not here since a few months. As per the maids, she left for their kingdom which she didn't reach. He connected the dots as the soldiers he sent to check their secret hideout in the kingdom also didn't return.

Saudamini asked her father, "What are you doing with the sword, babasa? ". Jaivardan looked in her direction and smiled, "No Greetings, no queries on health. This is how you welcome your father? ". "No Babasa. It's just that you were chucking your sword as if you are going to fight someone when it is a celebration. That's why I asked", Saudamini replied and took blessings from her father.

He blessed her and said, "I should be careful about my safety as no soldiers or weapons are not allowed inside the palace. That's why I checked it". "OK. You take rest Babasa. It is already past dinner time as the journey took you the entire day. I will send dinner with a Dasi for you and the minister", saying this Saudamini went away.

After sometime during the midnight, she came to check on her father whether he had his dinner or not and also to ask about her mother who didn't come as she knew that yuvraj wouldn't like her mother here. When she was about to enter the chamber, she heard her father talking with the minister.

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