Chapter 1

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Megan Watson's POV

I sit in my bedroom, biting my bottom lip as I study for my final exams. I glance at the old, purple clock that I've had for so many years now, checking the time, before my bedroom door opens from behind me.

"Meg!" The enthusiastic voice of my nine year old sister Delilah sounds the room, making me spin around in my chair, ruffling my hair a bit.

"Hey, Lilah," I mumble weakly, suddenly feeling the side affects of studying non stop for four hours take over, instantly feeling wrecked and in desperate need of sleep.

"Why aren't you getting ready?!" She exclaims, walking over to me and shutting my books closed, "The concert is in three hours. You didn't forget, did you?"

I laugh lightly, ruffling her dark brown, wavy hair, "Nope. How could I when you've been reminding me for the past year?"

"Meg!" She exclaims, going out of my reach, "Now you've messed up my hair!"

I hold up my hands in surrender, "Sorry."

"Eh, it's fine," she shrugs with a small laugh, "I'll just get mum to fix it. Now, get ready!"

I laugh, "Sure. See ya, Delilah."

She grins excitedly as she leaves the room, but soon I hear her belt out from her room, "LET'S GO CRAZY, CRAZY, CRAZY TILL WE SEE THE SUN!"

I shake my head at her, laughing lightly at her obvious excitement for her first ever concert, before calling to her, "Hey, quiet down in there! Unless you want the whole of London to hear your singing!"

I hear her laugh, her singing continuing but only faintly this time. I then get up, stretching, before going into the bathroom and taking a quick shower. When I'm out again, I dry my hair and spend ages trying to decide on an outfit to wear.

With a sigh of frustration, I give up on trying to pick, and end up just grabbing whatever my eyes land on and putting them on. I look at myself in the mirror, studying the outfit I eventually put on, which happens to be a black tank-top, a blue zip up jumper and black leggings. I then realise I have a pair of shoes that would match the outfit perfectly, slipping on the blue vans shoes that had instantly come to mind. I straighten out my ever so slightly waved hair before applying a decent amount of makeup.

I never really was one to go overboard with makeup, not liking the look of someone so obviously wearing a tonne of makeup. After finishing applying my makeup, I look in the mirror at my finished appearance. Although - as usual - I'm not completely satisfied with it, I don't attempt to perfect it, knowing it would only - one, fail to make me look any better - and two, make us late for the concert.

I walk downstairs, to where my mum is listening to Delilah excitedly ramble on about One Direction, a smile on her face. I walk in, leaning against the doorway and smiling at my little sister's excitement. My mum looks to me, nodding her head in a way to acknowledge me, which makes Delilah cut off in the middle of her sentence, turning around to face me, her face lighting up.

"Megan!" She exclaims, grabbing my arm, "C'mon, we have to go!"

I laugh lightly, "Alright, alright, just give me a second." I go over to my mum, giving her a quick hug as she starts going on about how we have to be safe and how I have to take good care of Delilah, but I cut her off, saying, "Mum, you've told me tons of times. It's fine. We'll be fine. Don't worry about it."

She nods her head, "Alright then. See you two later, okay? Have fun!"

I smile, as Delilah says, "We will!" before dragging me out of the room and to the front door.

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