Chp. 3

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 “No, Maria you cannot skip rehearsal.”

Bree, I was joking. I’m going to be there.”


I let out a thankful breath as I fussed over the phone, “You better be!”

I hung up, putting my phone back into my pocket as I walked into the gym. This Tuesday had drug on so long I had begun to think it would never come time to dance. Thankfully I was here, but was a bit early as I walked around, looking for an employee to let me into the studio. I was honestly only looking for Drew but eventually found someone in work attire that wasn’t Demarcus or Drew, which dampened my mood a little.

Was she not here today?

Then as I was following the young man towards the stairs I saw Drew and Demarcus coming out of a back room looking quite exhausted. She was focused on unwrapping her hands that were covered in black tape, and finally her eyes caught mine.

She smiled but it was laced with something that made me uneasy, as if she hadn’t meant for me to see her at this moment. She was wearing nothing but a sports-bra and spandex which gave me a quick flash back to the first time I had seen her dressed like that. But she didn’t walk up to me, she just headed towards the locker room and left me to follow the guy up the stairs and to the studio.

I knew exactly what she had been doing, she had been boxing and most likely practicing for the upcoming fight with Jada.

I found the anxiousness of the situation swarming through my head as I set up my music on the stereo system and waited for the rest of the crew to get here. I was attempting to mentally prepare myself but all I could really think about was Drew’s obvious abdominal muscles and how her skin had glistened with hints of sweat.

I rolled my eyes at how my brain continued to replay the magnificent picture in my head, refusing me any focus I needed at the moment. Then I heard people begin to walk in, letting me know it was time to start focusing on the task at hand.

It didn’t take long for everyone to show up so we stretched quickly and refused to waste much time, quickly beginning to work on the first routine. I wanted to do a fantastic job and make sure everyone was completely into the story line and dance. If they put everything into these performances I knew it would benefit us tremendously, all I had to do was completely drill them for the next four weeks.

And if we did well I could possibly land me a solo for my last recital, which would be sometime in December. I wanted one because I had never gotten one the four years I had performed in the Dance Company for NYU but I was going to try my hardest to get one my last semester. Next semester I would be working somewhere, preferably with younger children but I had no idea. After this semester my opportunities for the spotlight would be gone, so I wanted to do my absolute best, along with everyone else in the group.

I counted, “Five…Six…Seven…Eight!” as we fell into the dance bit we had rehearsed so far. Right now we were practicing our final performance which was themed Freakshow, and I had assigned parts to everyone last week.

I watched in the mirror, seeing mostly everyone falling into their separate parts. My eyes lingered on Maria as she performed but I turned around and walked to her, causing her to roll her eyes with a smile on her face.

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