Chapter 45 ~ Mom's bragging lead to this...

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A few days have passed since I completed my conditioner as well as scented shampoo.

Ufufufu~ I have to say, they're all the best I've ever made! It's getting closer to the shampoo and conditioners from my previous life!!!

I let Mom, Kiara, Anne, Maria-chan, and Iris try it, and...


The addition of fragrance to the shampoo made their hair smell very nice, and if they paired it with their perfume, they could make their entire body smell like flowers~!

Moreover, after using the conditioner, their hair was even smoother and glossier now! Mom even said she was asked about the secrets of her hair care product by her friends during a tea party she held in our home!

Of course, as a great and supportive mom that she was, she advertised my products that would go on the market in the future, and everyone became so excited!!


Haaaahhh~ Now that I've finished making my shampoo and conditioner, I'll have more time to myself now~

Maybe I should try and make some new type of dessert~? Ah! I should try making ice cream now since my control over ice is getting better~!

Ufufufu~ So many options~!!!


At least, that's what I thought.

"M-Mom? Can you repeat that?"

I was playing with Kiara in mom's chamber at the time when she dropped this bomb...

"Ufufufu~ There's no need to be nervous, you know~? Seara is just inviting us to come to the palace and have tea with her this weekend~ It seems like she became so jealous of me after I showed my hair off to her~ She wanted you to bring her a bottle of conditioner as well as one of each scented shampoo you made~"


M-Mom, why did you brag to her majesty?! A-Aaaahhhh! I know it'll come but I didn't expect it to be this soon!!!

Just then, I feel a warm hand on my head, stroking my hair.

"Don't be nervous, okay? Your products are amazing. Have pride and don't be afraid to show them off to Seara."

"U-Uuuuhh... O-Okay..."

U-Uughhh... There goes my relaxing time...

If I need to gift her majesty with these shampoos and conditioners, then they must be the best one I have...

Hah... There's no other way around it. Let's make more shampoos and conditioners for all members of the royal family and wrap them up nicely...



The days passed by in a flash as I was busy preparing my shampoos and conditioner.

It is now the weekend, and I'm currently lead by a royal guard, walking through the hallways of the palace while holding hands with mom. Maria and Anne followed closely behind us with two decorated baskets of shampoos and conditioners.

The guard knocked on her majesty's door and announced our presence before opening it after we received permission.

The moment the doors closed behind us, Lily immediately ran to me and hugged me.

"Risa-chan~ It has been a long time~ I've missed you~"

"Lily-chan~ I've missed you two~"

And just like usual, I squish her cheeks as she squished mine!

The Tomboy "Prince" Was Reincarnated as a Villainess in an Otome Game!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ