39. The whole story

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My mind began racing.

Griffin knew of Mia. Griffin and Jack had a strong dislike of one another. Griffin had been betrayed last year by a girl.

At first I'd just assumed their rivalry had stemmed from hockey last year, but now I was beginning to think it was more than that.

I needed to talk to Jack.

I looked back towards the hockey turfs and bit my lip; Jack would be coming soon with answers. With a sigh I sat down on the grass under a tree and waited. It didn't take long for Dartington's hockey team to appear, grins wide and arms in the air celebrating.

With purpose in my step, I made a beeline towards Jack. A few members of the team ruffled my hair as they passed. I'd been to almost every single one of their games and knew them all well.

Jack was near the back of the pack, and when he saw me, he smiled. "Rory, what do you want?"

"We need to talk."

His eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"Now." I added, dragging him off the path so we could talk in private.

"What's going on?"

"That's what I want to know," I said, frustration in my voice. "Tell me what happened between you and Griffin last year?"

Saying his name out loud put a lump in my throat.

Jack frowned. "He beat me in the hockey final. You know that."

"No. The whole story. There's more to it than that."

An almost guilty look flashed across Jack's face and I knew then that I was right. "I told you I met Mia last year during champs."

I nodded.

"And before that, well, I didn't exactly stick with one girl for very long. In simple terms I was a player."

I narrowed my eyes. "Sleeping with someone else's girlfriend is called being an asshole."

Jack hung his head. "It was all a disaster. We never meant to end up liking one another. Mia and Griffin were already on rocky grounds in their relationship so she was spending more time away from him. By chance we got to know one another and became friends."

I raised my eyebrows. "Friends with benefits."

Jack shook his head. "No. We were just normal friends to begin with, but then, somewhere down the line, feelings became involved. "

"Why didn't Mia just break up with Griffin?" I asked.

"The hockey match." Jack paused and let out a sigh. "We only realised that we liked each other the day before the match."

"I'm not following."

"Mia still cared about Griffin even after her romantic feelings towards him had gone," Jack explained. "She didn't want him to be distracted and heartbroken during the match so we agreed she'd break up with him once it was over."

"Only that didn't happen," I whispered, my heart breaking for Griffin who had caught his girlfriend in bed with another. 

"Griffin discovered us the morning of the match," Jack said, voice thick with regret.

"You should've waited till after Mia had broken up with Griffin." Then maybe this situation I was now in could've been avoided.

"I know," Jack replied. "We were stupid."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked, tone rising. "I've been hanging out with Griffin this entire time and you didn't think to let me know that he might be out for blood."

"I'm sorry Ror."

I took a deep breath. "Do you know what his last prank on me was?" My voice was now level. "He decided to do what you two did to him. He decided to break my heart."

Jack's expression darkened. "I'm going to kill him."

"No, you're not," I said slowly. "You're not going to do anything because maybe I had it coming. I shouldn't have fallen for him. You did warn me after all."

Jack grabbed my shoulders. "You did not deserve that. I was the one who hurt him. Not you. He shouldn't have touched you. I'm going to—"

"No, you're not Jack. Swear to me that you won't touch him." 

He stayed silent.

"Swear to me Jack. Swear you'll leave him alone."

He pursed his lips. "Fine, I promise I won't go near him."

"Thank you." I couldn't deal with any more fights. I just wanted to go home and put this all behind me.

Jack pulled me into his arms for a hug. "I never meant to hurt Griffin last year. I'm sorry it rebounded back on you."

"I know," I whispered. Jack was not the same person he'd been a year ago. "We just need to make it through two more days then we'll be home."


I thought Jack had kept his promise until Griffin walked into the great hall during lunch on Thursday supporting a viscous looking black eye.

"Who was dumb enough to pick a fight with him?" Ruben gasped.

"Whoever managed to land that punch is my new hero," June said in awe.

My eyes shot to where my brother was sitting further down our table. He seemed to be in one piece but I didn't know anyone else who would have gone for Griffin. As if sensing my gaze, Jack looked up at me.

What? He mouthed. I nodded in Griffin's direction and Jack's eyes widened. He looked back at me and shook his head. Wasn't me.

Then who on earth was it?

My answer was quickly answered when Noah sat down next to June, across from Ruben and I.

"Please tell me that you didn't pick a fight with Griffin," I said, eyeing the cut on his lip.

June looked Noah up and down. "Please tell me you did."

"I did." Noah put his hands up. "Before you say anything I wasn't the one who started it."

"Why did Griffin punch you?" Ruben asked.

"Well, okay, technically I threw the first punch, but it because he said something stupid." We waited for him to elaborate further but he didn't. Instead he asked, "So, who's up for swimming later?"

June smiled. "Me. We have to try out the posh pool at least once before we leave here."

We made plans then cleared away our plates. As we were leaving the great hall, Noah held me back slightly and asked, "This evening during the quiz can I show you something?"

I nodded. "Sure, what is it?"

Noah grinned. "A surprise."


Any guesses as to what Noah's surprise is?

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SouthernAlps over and out...

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