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Narrator's POV:

"Well hello there munchkin. How did our little boy sleep hm?" Harry cooes sweetly at the boy when he sees his eyes twinkle open and immediately search for the older men.

"Daddy." Louis breaths out as he reaches his short little arms up to the men.

Edward reaches his hands under Louis's arms and lifts the small boy up and then down into his lap. Louis let's out a small squak as he gets lifted before then snuggling into the mans hard chest.

"Sleep well baby?" Harry questions again.

"Mhm." Louis says as he begins to fall back asleep on the man.

"Woah woah there little boy, we gotta wake up hm? We have the whole day ahead of us. Open those pretty eyes back up for us yeah?" Edward says as he peppers kisses on the temple of Louis's forehead.

Louis giggles a bit at the ticklish feeling and opens up his eyes again.

"There he is." Harry smiles, the amount of joy in his mind is unmatchable.

All the stress in their mind about the paperwork going through and figuring out Louis's job situation and trying to learn more about his past fades away as Louis's eyes crinkle with joy as he smiles at his Daddies. Having him like this is all they have ever dreamed of.

"Let's go have a nice warm bottle and some breakfast hm? Gotta fill that little tummy don't we." Edward says tickling Louis's side ever so gently, causing him to giggle and squirm a bit once again.

"Daddy!" He squeaks as he uses his tiny hands to try and push Edward away.

"Oh alright alright, stop attacking our boy. Let's go Lovie." Harry says before gently taking Louis out of his brothers arms.

He lifts him in the air a bit before placing him on the peak of his hip, holding him up right.

"But what bout daddy?" Louis cutely asks Harry as he looks back at Edward who was just admiring the two in front of him, still sat on the bed.

Both men's hearts swell at the fact that they can see Louis is beginning to grow slightly more attached to them, that's what every carer wants.

"Oh I'm coming darling, don't worry." Edward smiles, getting up from the bed to follow.

Louis puts his hands together and does an adorable little clap, he was in a good mood and the men smiled at it.

Harry bounces the small boy on his hip a bit before beginning to walk out of the master bedroom and towards the lower floor of the house.

On the way down Edward alerts Maverick that they plan to cook breakfast for themselves and Lou and that he could have the morning off. They wanted to have some fun with their boy.

Once they get down into the kitchen Harry sets Louis into his high chair, making the boy pout a little bit at the loss of touch from his daddy.

"We are right here little one, just going to cook us up something for breakfast hm?" Edward says as he walks by the little boy, kissing his hair in the process.

"Okay daddy." He says, his young mind slurring his words into an 'otay'.

The brothers begin to get all the ingredients out to make pancakes and a bottle for Lou, knowing that he hasn't eaten much in the past few days and that they need to put an end to that bad habit he has built.

Louis watches the boys work in wonder, all this being so new to him and his headspace shocked mind.

He looked adorable with his eyes staring and sparkling at them curiously and his lips parted in focus.

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