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Friday came around rather quickly.

We were just about to go get our things from the lockers when I heard someone calling out for me.

"Harry!" I turned around, seeing the most beautiful alpha on earth.

"Professor." I greeted.

"Hello. I am here to remind you that I will pick you up around five, okay?" I got lost in his cold eyes, he was so close to me right now that I could see how pretty they really were.

"Yes, I will be ready." I nodded my head.

"Good, see you later." he gave me a small smile before walking away.

"Hmm." I heard that bastard behind me.

"Zayn, don't speak." I opened my locker.
"I just want to remind you that you need to get underneath his skin. Be sexy, okay? But not too sexy. You need to-" I clogged up his mouth with my hand.
"I will do what I think would work, okay? I don't want your opinions or advice." I let go of his face, taking everything I needed from my locker.

"Okay, just be careful, alright?" he said genuinely.
"Of course Zee, I always am." I hugged him tight before leaving.


"Baby, here are some suppressants." my mom walked onto me packing my things.
"Mom, I am not having heat in the next two weeks." I furrowed my brows.
"The sudden change of being in such a close contact with alpha everyday could trigger it's start. Or that's at least what Maura told me. Just take them, hmm?" I took them into my hands, putting them on my bed side table.
I will just pack them if that is what makes her feel better.

My suitcase filled up some clothes, book, my iPad, chargers... and in my backpack was of course more important stuff like my ID, money, phone, passport...

"Alright, I think I am ready mom!" I shouted.
"Wonderful, its 4.48. Get dressed, Mr. Tomlinson will be here in no time." and just then the doorbell rang.

I was getting on my favourite jumper, quickly finishing dressing up in my room.

I could hear his voice.
"Good evening Mrs. Twist." I took my suitcase, backpack and phone, looking around the room if I forgot anything.
No, I have everything I need for sure.

I stepped into the hallway, so he could immediately see me.
"Good evening Mr. Tomlinson." I greeted. His eyes were already on me.
"Hello Harry." he smiled.

"Alright, be careful and let me know when you arrive." mom hugged me before letting me go.
"I will take care of him, I promise." my professor reassured my mom.
"I know. He is big, he can take good care of himself already when I am not here. Alright, go or you will miss the flight." she began to close the door.

"Bye mom."
"Goodbye Mrs. Twist." I heard him say before he joined me on the staircase.

"Give me your suitcase, I'll put it in the trunk." he said when we were out on the street. He had a grey BMW, it looked quite expensive.
"Hey, what are you waiting for? Sit inside." he walked over to the driver's side.

"Should I sit in the back or?" he furrowed his brows at me.
"No, unless you really want to." I nodded, opening the door to the passenger's seat, sitting down next to him. Yeah, you heard it right, next to him!

"Seatbelt on." he watched me closely as I put it on.
"And we are ready to go." he smiled, starting the engine of his car.

The car was imbued with his delicious scent.
I felt like I was doing drugs. I was taking in deep breaths, enjoying it to the max since I had the chance to.

It was silent, only the muffeld sound of the radio playing in the background. I felt so comfortable, I didn't even realize I fell asleep.
I felt so safe and protected there with him.

"Harry, hey wake up. We are at the airport." my eyes shot open. He was standing outside, hovering over me while shaking my shoulder.

"Sorry, I must had fallen asleep." I unbuckled my belt, hopping out of the car.
"That's okay." he grabbed our luggages, rolling them towards the entrance.

I just followed him with huge eyes.
I loved airports and airplanes.
When I was little I always loved when Gemma had taken me here on Saturdays to watch the planes.

I kept looking around, happy to be here after so long.
"Alright, this is the direction to our gate." Louis led me towards the check in desk.

Everything happened so quickly and fortunately we didn't have any problems with anything.

So now it was something past 6.30 and we were sitting in the waiting zone.
Well, Louis was sitting and I was walking around, taking pictures of every single air plane that was here.

I was just standing in front of the huge glass, staring down at the Boeing 777 when I could feel something touching my arm.

"Hey, that's me." I turned my head to the side to see Louis.
"Hello." I smiled shyly, looking back on the airplane in front of me.
"You must love planes." he stood next to me.
"Yeah, I like them a lot but I never flew." I felt the nervous feeling building up in the pit of my stomach.
"Oh, really?" he said, surprised.
"Don't worry, I will hold your hand if I will have to." that made me blush. He would hold my hand?

'Flight BA300 to Paris is now boarding at the gate number 4.' we heard the "airport lady" announce.

"That's our flight, come on." Louis turned around, taking his things, leading us towards the queue of people.

"Here, your ticket." he gave me my boarding pass.
They checked us both and then we were finally walking through the tunnel onto the board.

My stomach suddenly twisted at the thought of flying.

"Welcome on board." the flight attendant that was standing inside, next to the door, greeted us.

We walked inside, into the middle of the vehicle where our seats were situated.
"Alright, do you want to sit next to the window?"
I couldn't answer anything so I just nodded my head.

When I sat down I closed my eyes, trying to calm down.
The plane was slowly moving towards the runway while one of the flight attendants was talking about the important stuff I already knew of.

What made my eyes open again was the end of the pilot's speech, because I knew we were about to get in the air.

The plane suddenly stopped moving completely. In the next couple of seconds a loud sound of engines could be heard and the plane began to move again.

I squeezed the handle of my seat, looking outside on the moving runway.

What if we will crash or there will be something wrong with our engine?

Warm feeling settled on my hand, the warmth wasn't there before.

I took my eyes to my hand, which was resting on the handle to see Louis taking my hand into his, entwining our fingers.

I squeezed his hand, taking my worried eyes away to look on his face.
"It's okay." he smiled, actually calming me down.
I kept staring into his face while I was cutting off his blood circulation like my whole life depended on it.

And all of sudden the sounds weren't that loud anymore and I couldn't feel the plane moving as well.
When I looked outside I saw we were in the air and hundreds of shining lights could be seen underneath.

"You made it." he let go of my hand. I huffed in response.... I wanted this to last longer. His touch was so gentle.

My brain was screaming at how wrong it seemed. I was holding hands with my teacher! But like... this was an emergency, right?

Well yeah...
Wasn't too harsh?

Have a lovely winter break<3

Thank you all for support on this story, it truly means the world to me!


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