{Chapter 14}

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Catheline's POV:

Two days had passed. My father departed to return to Peliasse, as he left it unattended. They say a King should not be away from his kingdom. I made sure to tell him everything that I experienced here. I never hid anything from him, all except that I was going out in disguise as a warrior woman and already made myself a name and reputation. If he knew, he would never let me do it again.

My mind still lingered on what he told me though. I was in my chambers and watched dim evening sky while twirling my hair.

My brother was still alive.

Ever since I was young, I thought I was the only child and was worried for my kingdom. Since my father did not have any living sons and he refused to remarry, his council had attempted to persuade him to rethink a solution. Now I now why he refused them.

He already had a living son.

Was I angry at my father for hiding it from me?

Possibly. But I felt glad about one thing though. In our laws, if there were no living males to inherit the throne, the dynasty may continue through the female line. It meant that I could have been Queen of Anthreal and Peliasse if what I knew was the truth.

Being Queen was complicated. And ruling must be even harder. At least, a small burden on my shoulders will disappear as soon as my father tells everyone what he hid for nearly two decades.

A sudden knock on my chamber's door alerted me. I turned around and straightened my curls with my fingers. "Enter,"

It was Karra.

"Good evening, Your Grace," she bowed and came forward.

Her face radiated one thing; she had news. When she neared closed enough, I leaned forward with an expecting look.


"The King..." she whispered before breaking into a wide smile. "He ordered that Duke Sunster's to be raided, Your Grace!"

I took a deep breathe and glanced away. It served him right. I could still remember his satisfied face when he attempted to slander me. How can a man be so heartless and brainless?

"A lot of evidence was found in the mansion," Karra continued. "And that was enough for him to be declared as a traitor,"

"He shall pay for his crimes, Karra," I told the girl as I turned around.

Slowly, I made myself walk toward the window and placed my hands on the ledge. This was good news. And a perfect time to speak to my husband, as we did not have much time to do so.

"Did you notice how the King was?" I asked, my voice softening. "Is he...alright?"

"He was furious, Your Grace," I heard the reply. "I heard that he would not even look at him. At this moment, the traitor is kept in the dungeons,"

I fell silent before taking a stealthy glance at the hidden compartment, where I hid my most valuable object. "I...I might need some time alone..."

"I understand. I shall take my leave now."

When I heard the door close, my body loosened to relax. Justice was served in a silver platter. The man who committed treason will face his punishment. And my bird is still dead.

It feels so strange to live with the truth that I can no longer talk to or hold Mimy in my hands. 

I can never be woken up by her sweet chirps again.

I felt something that boiled my blood . It was my fury. The rage of all the traitors that got me involved in their schemes. The grief of losing my precious friend. 

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