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Hey peeps. I'm deeply sorry for such a late update. You can throw eggs at me for that! Here is the update for y'll. Again I would say I don't know when I will update next. Till then keep supporting me as you have done till now.


Last night with Jen was amazing would be an understatement. It was beyond amazing. It was indeed beautiful. The way she reciprocated to my touches was so

But this morning I was waken up by none other than Stephanie. She has the audacity to call me again when I clearly told her not to bother me the last time she called. Yes, she has been calling and trying to convince me for another date with her. She wanted another chance.

At first I was polite with her just because she is my mother's friend's daughter but now she gets on my nerves. She has been so adamant on taking me out again so that we could sort our differences. She said she fell in love with me. I literally don't understand her.

And the worst part, I had to lie to Jen because of Stephanie. I mean I could have told Jen about her but I didn't want Jen to worry about this unnecessary stuff.  And knowing Stephanie a bit, if she knew Jen is my girlfriend she will definitely try to hurt Jen, say something rubbish to her.
I certainly don't want that. I didn't even go to office today so that I won't face her. I was still at my house.

But now I'm feeling guilty that I lied to Jen. I do have slight idea that she may have known that I have lied to her. Because at the breakfast she was lost somewhere. She didn't speak much as she does always.

I think I should tell her the truth. I should not keep her in dark. I got my car keys and rushed towards the parking.


I was currently in my cabin. My mind was somewhere else. It was still at the garden. I was still thinking about Damian's lie. Why did he have to lie to me? We have been so transparant in our relationship. At least I have been. Never even a smallest thing I have kept hidden from him or lied to him about anything.

There was a knock on my door. "Come in."
One of the other employee came in and said, "Ma'am some Stephanie Diago is there outside and she claims she doesn't need an appointment to meet you."

You see Damian had instructed that people should take my appointment too.
But  Stephanie Diago?

Can she be the same Stephanie Damian was talking to in the morning? If yes, why is she here? Who is she?

To get all these answers I instructed employee to let her in.

Within seconds a girl probably of my age, wearing black mini dress high heels, deep red lipstick and blonde hair entered my cabin.

"Hi Jenifer. It's nice to meet you." She said but her voice sounded super evil.

"Hi, can I ask how do you know me?"

"Of course darling. You are Damian's girl right? I was Damian's girl. I was his girlfriend whom he loved so deeply. But I know and he knows too very well that he still loves me." Her words were full of hatred towards me.

Is she really Damian's ex? He never told me about her... and does he still love her like she says?

"Look I can't trust you with any of such bullshit you are saying. So please just shut up and leave." I said.

I have to trust Damian right? He is my boyfriend. He loves me.

"Jenifer I think you do need a little evidence that he is still in love with me." She smirked and took out her cell phone out of her purse.

"See my call logs. Damian and I have been in touch even after you got in relationship with him. We still talk on call."

There were calls from her and from him too. They really talked.

"This is the photo from one of our dates to prove Damian and I dated."

There was a picture of him and Stephanie at a restaurant.

"I even talked to him today morning. And you were with him that time. He told me himself."

That's true too.

"Now do you trust me with what I say? He still loves me Jenifer. He doesn't loves you even if he did tell you that he loves you. He will come back to me soon. And he will leave you. You are not what hé wants. I'm what he wants."

My eyes brimmed with tears. First Caleb and now Damian. Dear god why?

"Please leave." I said in a low voice.

"Okay darling. Bye." She winked and left the cabin.

I sat on the couch. I burst out crying. I was so hurt by Damian's betrayal. Why did he have to do that? He is my boss. We would have kept our relationship professional if he was still in love with his ex. Instead he chose to break my heart.

Suddenly my cabin's door opened, it revealed Damian.



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