Chapter Thirty Eight

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A/n : YO GUYS!!!! I'M BACK!!          

                          N I K O L A I

"What are you thinking?" I asked Belle as I wrapped my arm around her from behind and she let out a heavy sigh before turning back to face me.

Her baby bump have gotten bigger and I'm more than fucking excited to meet our baby soon.

I was desperately hoping for a girl but a boy will also work. The only thing it matters is, it's from the woman I love.

"Are you sure about this? I don't want to pressure you into doing something just for my sake." She replied and I cupped her face before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"You are not pressuring me into anything, my love. Don't stress yourself out and stop overthinking ok?" She left out a heavy breath and nodded her head before smiling at me.

"Now that's like my girl." I placed another kiss on her forehead before pulling away and grabbing her hand. "Now come, it's time for us to leave."

We decided to move to Chicago, for some time being, after a long heated discussion . . . . with Lou, of course. I don't know what have I ever done to be on her to-annoy list.

She thinks Chicago will be the best for us to lay low for some months. Away from all the crazy people.

I helped Belle sit inside the car before getting in myself and Sam started the car.

"Lou said she wanted to meet me before we leave but she didn't came. She must be waiting there at your guest house with Gino." Belle guessed before intertwining our hands and leaning her head on my shoulder while her other hand gently cradle her bump.

"I just hope their tire gets punctured and they never reach there on time, so that I don't have to hear her annoying empty threats." I said, earning a light clap on my chest from my wife.

"Don't say that." Belle frowned at me. "She has always been there when no one was there for me. Infact, you should also be thankful to her because if it wasn't for her telling me to give you another chance I could have divorced your sorry ass long ago."

I froze after hearing her words. Did she really. . . ? If that's the case then I take back my words. She was an angel in disguise.

I was about to reply when the car suddenly stopped.

"What happened? Why did you stop?" I asked Sam when my gaze fell on the four cars blocking our way and I immediately recognise it by the griffin crest on the car.

It been a long time since I saw one but that doesn't mean I don't remember who it belong it.

"Дерьмо." I let out a curse before turning to Belle who look pale like she has seen a ghost.

"Belle, look at me." I called out. When she didn't respond I grabbed her face, forcing her to look at me. "It's ok, alright. Everything is under control. Take a deep breathe."

She nodded frantically before wiping the sweats forming on her forehead with the back of her sleeves.

"How many?" I asked.

"Fifteen, Don." Sam replied as he took his gun from the dashboard.

"No matter what happens Belle, don't come out of the car ok?" I cupped her face and placed a kiss on her forehead. She nodded.

I was about to go out when Belle grabbed my wrist. "Be safe." She whispered, shakily.

Judging by the way she was tense and shaking in fear, I can say she already knew about them.

I nodded before jumping down from the car and walking towards them.

"Don Ivanov." The bald guy was the first one to acknowledged my presence.

"Cavin, fancy meeting you here." I saud coldly with a hard glare even though the reflection of the sun from his shinny, bald head was making it hard.

"Sorry to block your way but–"

"Cut the crap and tell what the fuck does he want?" I asked and he cleared his throat before nodding.

"He wants to meet you."


"He wants you to return his favour."

We fell silent. None of us spoke for a while. I was too engrossed in my own thoughts when I heard some footsteps behind me. I thought it was Sam at first but I was fucking wrong.

"Nick?" Belle whispered as she placed her hand on my shoulder and I snapped my head back so fast that I almost thought my neck would snap into two.

"What are you doing here Belle? I thought I told you to stay I side the car," I whisper-hissed at her. "God damnit Belle, listen to me for once."

"Rosa?" Cavin took off his shades as he narrowed his eyes at my wife. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Cavin." Belle replied coldly.

"Watch your tongue, Cavin. She's my wife." I growled at him making him straighten up. I pulled Belle colder to me.

"Sorry." Cavin mumbled before turning towards Belle like he was waiting for her to answer.

"I don't think I had to ask permission from you to be anywhere." Belle replied with her eyebrows raised. But I could sense her fear by the way she was clenching my shirt tightly.

"I've paid my debts, Cavin." She said. "Don't forget that."

"But Ad-"

"I. Have. Paid. My. Debts." She gritted out again as her body shook with fear. . .and anger.

Cavin nodded. "But he's still angry. You didn't told him before you left."

"What the fuck going on Cavin?" I asked, frustrated. What debts? How does Belle know them? The fuck is going on?

He glanced at Belle for the last time before turning fully towards me. "It's not my place to tell you. I just came to deliver my message and I did."

"Well, then tell him I don't want to meet him."

"Don, you know how he is. If you don't come. . ." He glanced at my wife and I knew I had enough of his bullshits.

I cocked my gun before pointing it at him. The rest of his minions took out their guns and pointed it at me. But Cavin immediately motioned them to lower their guns.

"Belle go and sit in the car." I said without moving my gaze away from him.

"But Nick-" She tried to protest but I immediately cut her off.

"Go and sit in the car, Belle." I repeated again but this time more sternly leaving no place for argument. She nodded and left but not before giving us all a death glare.

I return my attention back at Cavin after I made sure Belle was save inside the car with Sam.

"If you ever again, try to threaten me with my wife or try to bring my wife's name up in our shits, I swear to God Cavin, I'll make you disappear from the earth and trust me, it will be so painful and horrifying." I gritted out before letting him go.

"Give my message to your boss, tell him that I have left that life long ago and I can't help him anymore. And if he wants to meet me, tell him to come himself."

He nodded, shakily.

                                « ★ »

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