Chapter 2

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I am early, and I am never early.

I am sitting on the bench beside the pool at 5:45am, waiting for the rest of the team to show up.

I am definitely not early so I can avoid seeing a certain someone in the changing rooms... Because that certain someone kissed me.

His lips connected very much to mine. Skin on skin.

My mind goes completely black, all train of thought lost.

He stays there for a good few seconds as I stand frozen unmoving. He breaks away from the kiss but is still close enough that his lips are lightly brush against mine as he speaks.

"Not so golden huh" He grunts, before spinning on his heel and walking out.

I stand there for a few seconds, my mind still processing what just happen.

Did Oliver Fowler, the University's golden boy, just kiss me?

I sigh running a hand through my messy hair trying to shake the memory from my mind. Because I totally haven't been thinking about that all weekend...

It is too fucking early to be thinking this much.

The other swimmers start to walk in and my body tenses in anticipation.

Oliver walks through, a big smile on his face and the centre of attention as usual. It is maddening how much people like him. How they worship him like he is some sort of god.

After the squad gets changed they come out and stand with me waiting for Coach. I cautiously eye Oliver, but he doesn't even glance my way. I let out a short breath I didn't realise I was holding. Good, maybe we can just ignore what happened yesterday.

Andy comes over to me slapping my shoulder.

"Sup man!"

I shrug his hand off my shoulder fixing him with a scowl, "Could you be any louder? It is fucking 6:00"

He snorts sitting next to me. "I see you are just a ray of sunshine in the mornings"

I roll my eyes but don't say anything.

"Hey so did your Dad come to the comp last week?"

I pick up some loose strands in my towel. "Nah he got busy."

Andy frowns but doesn't say anything which I am thankful for.

Oliver clears his throat drawing everyone's attention. "Coach is away so I am running training today." He smiles, eyes scanning the crowd. "Don't think I will be going easy on you" he says, his eyes landing on me.

I gulp.


If looks could kill. Oliver Fowler would be well past dead right now. He would be well acquainted with hell right now by the glare I am shooting his way right now.

No one has given me such a hard time at training as he has been, and I have had a lot of swim coaches.

While everyone else seems to love him. Obediently doing what he says, complimenting him and basically being major suck-ups.

I hate them all.

The girls flutter their eyelashes at him and giggle more than usual. I swear everyone is swimming hard than usual, just to impress him. I can't help but roll my eyes every time the girls whisper about how dreamy he is to each other.

While I hate to admit it,  he knows his stuff. He wouldn't be that bad of a coach if he wasn't constantly targeting me.

All the fucking time.

Every fucking second he is critiquing and correcting me. He is always watching me, I can't seem to catch a break.

While Oliver is talking to one of the girls about her stroke and I am finally out of the spotlight Andy swims over to me. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"What did you do to get on his bad side?"

I shrug. I honestly don't know, I mean he was the one who kissed me!

He eyes me carefully, "I have never seen Oliver be so harsh on someone before. And it's not like your swimming bad, hell your swimming better than everyone here"

I arch an eyebrow, while I know I am one of the best swimmers on the team, Andy admitting it is another thing.

He shoves my shoulder roughly. "Don't let it get to your head dick", he groans.

I can't help but let a chuckle.

"Lipski!" Oliver's low voice calls instantly wiping my smile. "Stop playing around. Swim another lap of freestyle for me." He commands.

I clench my jaw pushing off the wall to do another lap.

Oliver let everyone finish training early. 20 minutes ago.

But I am still here.

Apparently, my free stroke isn't good enough. so I have been swimming lap after lap until Oliver is content.

I lean against the side of the pool panting. My muscles are aching and I am utterly exhausted. While I am all about pushing myself to my limits, I am well past my limit.

What I would give right now to crawl back into my warm soft bed.

Whatever point he is trying to make, I get it. He wants to get back at me for yesterday, to show he's the captain or whatever. I will make it my personal effort to avoid him now. A 2 hour swimming practice is enough I don't need extra punishment.

"Is that good enough" I grit out, hands fisted. I ran a hand through my wet hair and down my face.

He stands beside the pool towering over me. The heat from his stare makes me nervous. He rubs his jaw frowning. A slight stubble is starting to grow, it makes him look older.

"Go again. Keep your hips higher this time"

I slap the water in frustration. He has got to be kidding. But I look up to see his expression fully serious. I refrain myself from flipping him the bird. 

With my eyes narrowed I give him one last glare before starting another lap.

After another 5 minutes later and Oliver finally lets me go.

I rush to get changed, barely making it to my lecture on time. I sit in the back of the lecture room.

A wave of dizziness overwhelms me and I lay my head in my arms closing my eyes for a moment. My body is aching all over and I can't decide what sounds better, puking or passing out?

I struggle to stay awake throughout the class. But I am so tired and fucking hungry. My stomach is growling loudly, I would be embarrassed if I had the energy to care.

By the time I make it back to my dorm room, I am ready to pass out. I collapse onto my bed a heap of sore muscles and chlorine.

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