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You know what Diary yesterday night I had a dream. In that dream I saw Hasini. I proposed to her once again and she smiled.

"So.." I asked her to give me an answer to my proposal.

"So?" She asked me with a grin.

"You know what I'm trying to say. I want us to live happily. I want to get married to you. I want to have babies with you." I said and looked at her keenly.

She was looking at me with a huge grin.

"Oooo... My lover boy. Complete your studies first. I'm not going anywhere." She said.

"Will you stay with me forever?" I asked while holding her hands.
She nodded her head and kissed me passionately.

This was the dream I had last night.

You know one more thing. I did a part time job and saved a sum of money. I'm going to buy a ring for her and propose to her once again because I have completed my second year and she too completed her third year. She is going to chennai for her higher studies so before that I'm going to meet her.

1 week later

I'm standing in the railway station. 

"Hi.." she said while coming towards me.

"Hasini.." I said in a low tone.

"Krish.. just one year then you can come to chennai." Hasini said while holding my hand.

"I know Hasini but I will miss you." I said.

Tears filled her eyes.

"I miss you too." She said.

"I bought this for you." I said and opened the ring box. She gasped.

"What is this Krish?" She asked in shock.

"I wanted to get married to you Hasini. After four years." I said.

She was just looking at me.

"Will you marry me?" I asked her while looking straight through her eyes.

She nodded her head. My eyes widened in shock.

"Hasini.." My voice was above whisper.

"Yes." She said while tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Really?" I asked once again while my eyes filled with tears.

"Yes,Idiot." She said with a chuckle.

I hugged her without minding the surroundings.

"I love you Hasini." I said while parting the hug.

"I love you too Krish." She said.

"Can I?" I asked while showing the ring and she nodded her head in approval. She examined the ring which adorned her finger and said "It's beautiful." 

After a few minutes she left. A year passed just like that.

I couldn't get admission in chennai college so I stayed in Vellore itself but three months once Hasini will come to visit her parents and that time I used to meet her. She came back to Vellore after three years and started to work in a college as a professor but unfortunately I got a job in Bangalore so I went there. We had a long distance relationship.

We thought about waiting for three more years. We want a permanent job and a home so we started to work hard.

This week I'm going to meet her. It's going to be a surprise for her.

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