🔺𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝🔻

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"My babies... Damien!!." Ciara wouldn't stop whining and Damien, being the first of it's kind, could hardly comprehend what to do.

Could it be possible that it was time for delivery? Then, she needed to be taken to the pack hospital, right?

She was still standing with her legs spread apart, like she was scared to bring them together or something.

"Ciara... Calm down. Come here" Damien cooed as it was in the night. He has been working since morning only for him to come back home and meet her making some wail-like noise. He pulled off his suit and was about to get into the bathroom when she screamed. He jogged over to her and drew closer to his chest then he wrapped his hand around her.


"Hudson, come here right now." Damien shouted through the mindlink.

In no less than five minutes, Hudson came in with his hair at its end.

"Alert the pack doctor now! Go Now!" Damien cut him off with a command and without hesitation, Hudson turned and ran off.

Ciara was still whimpering, fidgetting with Damien's shirt and suddenly, an unexplained pain like ménstrual cramps hit so hard at her and she let out an agonizing scream.


Her hands gripped Damien's shirt so tight and her nails ended up scratching his chest.

"Damien..! It hurts. Oh, please...!"

Ignoring the pains on his chest, Damien carried her immediately in his arms, her heavy weight meaning nothing to him as he ran out of the room.

Ciara was still yelping in his arms, her grip on him so tight like she never wanted to let go.

All attention diverted to them as soon as they ran by, some of pack guards running around and after him.

"Ciara." Riya called out as she ran closer to them, but Ciara couldn't even hear or notice her.

"You should get the baby items, Riya and inform my mom about it, also meet us at the hospital" Damien said in a hurry and ran towards the pack hospital.

"Damien, please..." Ciara winced in pain as he kept running.

"Make it stop... Make it stop".

She was leaning on his chest, her hands on her tummy which she held as well.

"You'll be fine, Ciara. I promise. You'll be fine" muttered Damien as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

Beads of sweat were starting to form on his face and were dropping on her also.

She just couldn't explain how she felt; the heaviness on her pélvic, and the excruciating cramps on her lower abdomen. Every part of her body ached, her entire system screamed pains as an indescribable need to push out something grew deep in her.

There was a tight pinch on her lower abdomen and she screamed and bit Damien hard on the arms. He felt weakened that he almost dropped on the floor but he understand, she was in severe pain.

"Oh! Damien, please...!" She sobbed miserably, sweats all over her forehead already.

"We will get there soon, okay, Honey." He cooed her.


As soon as they got there, nurses were already standing in preparation as Hudson had already informed them but then Damien being Damien carried Ciara still in his arms inside as he ran into the hospital and even when the nurses had requested him to place her on the stretcher, he'd refused and insisted on carrying her himself.

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