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My heart started to pound so hard in my chest, hard enough that I was able to hear my own heartbeat, or am I just imagining it?

Alex slowly move over to my side closing the distance I made earlier between us. And I could have sworn I hear her heartbeat too.

"Can I kiss you, Cara?" She repeated though there was almost no voice that came out of her mouth, it was more like a breathy whisper as I felt her hot breath on my face.

The sadness I saw a minute ago in her eyes is completely gone, it now showed a complexity, a plethora of emotions and I found myself drowning in them. 

I want to tell her, yes, but instead, I let my actions speak for me. 

Since our faces is just inches apart, pulling her into me didn't take long. My lips smashed into the softness of hers and my eyes shut automatically feeling all the sensation brought by that kiss.

Alex's hand slid from my thigh up to my waist and to my arm, my skin is tingling and burning under her touch. I felt the heat travel down from my throat, to my guts, and to my already-heated core.

She pulled me in closer with her hand that was now on the back of my head while grabbing a handful of my hair.

Alex's tongue snakes out lightly caressing my lips, begging for entrance. Slowly, I opened my mouth giving her permission. When I felt her tongue touching mine, I tried to stifle a moan but it came out anyways.

I imitate how her lips are moving and soon our hearts are dancing to a song that only the two of us can hear.

I love how the way she smelt and tasted, it was like I was longing for it and I was realizing it just now. Everything was brand new to me but It just feels so right and perfect. 

I opened my eyes when Alex pushed me away. She was gazing at me lovingly.

"What are you doing to me, Cara?" She said in a hoarse voice.

"I could ask you the same thing, Alex."

We gazed into each other's eyes and it was enough, enough for me to know that I'm beginning to have feelings for my Boss, my Boss who happened to be a woman.


My eyes were greeted with rays of light that crept through the cracks of the curtains and also, there was a weight that is on my waist. My hand ran along with the soft hand hugging my waist and remembered I was in Alex's bed.

I turn to the other side to be greeted by Alex's beautiful face. Her eyes are still closed and she looks just peaceful.

My hand automatically went to touch her cheeks. She's so beautiful.

"Good morning!" My hand must've woken her up. One of her eyes is still closed while the other is half open.

"Good morning!" I greeted her back.

Her hand that was on my waist pulled me in closer till our faces are just inches apart.

Shy, I rested my head on the nook of her neck while she hugs me, I felt her smile.

"Hmmm... This is nice." Alex said while she tightens her hug.

"Yeah, I could stay like this for hours."

"Then, let's."

I pushed her a little bit just to meet her eyes.

"We have work." I checked the time on the wall clock, it was already 06:30 AM.

"Shoot!" I suddenly turned around to get up.

"What, what happened?" 

"I didn't leave a message to the shelter where I volunteer, they must be waiting for me there, shoot!" I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and there I saw Linda's calls and messages. I dialed her number and in just one ring she answered.

"I'm fine, Linda. I'm so sorry, I... I overslept. Uhm-mm, yes, thank you. Again, I'm sorry. Yes, bye."

Linda thought something had happened to me as it was unusual for me not to leave any message to them whenever I will skip a day at the shelter.

"Who was that? And what shelter?" Alex is now sitting in bed.

I turned to face her.

"It's the animal shelter, I volunteer there every morning to feed the dogs and cats." 

"Ohh, that was... nice."

"Ohkayy! I... will go take a shower." I stood up and headed straight to the bathroom.

I came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel and I swear I saw Alex's face drop. Her eyes were open wide and her mouth formed an "o" and she was eyeing me from head to foot.

I smirked at that and pretended to have dropped a piece of my clothes. I bend over with my behind facing her. When I got up, I turned just to see her face flushed.

"Can I borrow some of your clothes? I don't want to wear what I wore yesterday." I pretended to ignore her reaction.

"Oh... Uhm... Y-Yeah, yeah, I have something you can wear. Can you help me get up?" I reached for her hand and helped her.

"I'm not wearing anything underneath." I whispered in her ear when she tugged hard on my towel.

She almost lost balance when she took her hand away but I was fast to catch her.

I guided her into the closet while she avoided meeting my eyes. She opened one of the cabinets and pulled on a navy blue long sleeves dress and handed them to me along with the fresh underwear she took from one of the drawers.

"Shall I bring you now to the bathroom?" I asked her when she didn't move after.

"Y-Yeah, please." 

I dressed while she bathe. Her flushed face lingered on my head and I smiled at that.

But then the image of us kissing last night flashed before my eyes, it was my turn to turn red. Good thing I was alone now.

I slept last night with a big smile on my face. She was hugging me lightly, not pushing herself and it was enough.

I felt safe and happy, I wish I make her feel the same way.

As soon as decent, I went down to the kitchen to make us both coffee.

I carried two coffee mugs upstairs and headed to her room. 

"Are you done?" I yelled in front of the bathroom door.

"Why, you wanna come?" I heard her yelling back while laughing. I laugh along with her.

"I brought coffee. Let me know when you're done." 

I placed her coffee on the nightstand and I sat in her bed sipping my own.

"Ok, I'm done."

I walked towards the bathroom and knocked before opening the door. Thank god she was wearing a bathrobe. 

I let her tell me which clothes she wanted to wear today and placed them on the table that was in the center of her walk-in closet and left her to get dressed.

"I'm done." I heard her yell.

I helped her put a fresh bandage on the injured area of her leg.

Soon enough I was carrying half of her weight down the stairs.

"Let's have breakfast." She said as soon as we were heading to my car.

"You know that I don't..."


Her making puppy eyes made it so hard to say no. 

I know she could fix her own seatbelt but I still did it for her and it was inevitable for our skin not to touch. 

I tried to ignore the sensation that enveloped me due to the contact.

I walked to the other side while shaking my head.

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