Chapter 62

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January 28 2023, Los Angeles


HARRY WASN'T SURE WHAT HE WAS THINKING. He didn't know what overcame him when he let the words slip out.

"Do it properly."

What had he been thinking saying that? And then walking out and driving away?

But he was in the car now, several blocks away from home, and there was no way he could turn around right now.

Harry did the only reasonable thing he could think of. He parked on the side of the road, pulled out his phone and called his mom.

The phone rang three times before she picked up. "Harry? Hey, how are you, honey?"

"Mum," Harry rushed to get the words out, "IwasaloneinthehouseandAlliahboughtanengagementringandIwalkedoutandIdontknowwhattodo."

"Harry, okay, calm down. Take a deep breath. In and Out." Harry breathed slowly, trying to shake off the nerves. "Okay, now explain it to me properly."

Harry explained everything from the beginning. Alliah left for a couple of hours with her friends, something about an 'impromptu photoshoot', and Harry was left alone in the house. He needed an electricity bill to prove he lived in the house to renew his passport, and Alliah kept them all in her drawers.

He didn't want to look through her things, Harry was just looking for the little paper, and then he'd stumbled upon the black box.

Harry had a sneaking suspicion about what it was, and he couldn't resist the temptation to open it, and find what was very obviously an engagement ring.

It was a silver band, slightly rustic with ornamental engravings. And in the dead center, an amethyst. Harry's birthstone.

Of course the ring was perfect.

"What did you say?" His mum asked again, looking for clarification.

Harry cringed as he remembered his words. "'Do it properly'?"



"You can't tell someone to propose properly. She didn't exactly plan for you too see the ring."

"I know."

"You don't know if she did have something planned."

"I know."

"And you may have put pressure on her to propose when she's not ready."

Harry sighed. "Mum, I know. I know. I fucked up, and I don't know what to do anymore, and I really really need advice."

There was a pause of silence.

"It's a good thing Alliah asked for my blessing already."

Hold on.


"Alliah did what?" Harry squeaked. At what point had that happened?

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