-1- hurt/comfort

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Even though the pair were enemies, it didn't mean that they hated eachother. Four pretended to hate Two, but deep down they really didn't. Of course Four would put on the "tough" act and pretend like they hated Two with all their guts.

I mean, Four had a reason to hate Two after all. They stole Four's contestants and their co-host. You'd think that would make Four hate Two with a burning passion, right?

Well, not exactly. Four admired Two. They thought that Two was a pretty good host, and a very good friend. Four wished that they had the guts to get over themself and try to be friends with Two, but in their head they knew that would never happen.

Four sat on the far left of the couch, and Two sat on the far right side. X sat in the middle of them. It seemed like X was the only one paying attention to the movie that was put on the TV. It was about 11:00PM, so all 3 of them were pretty tired.

X was half asleep, but still paying attention nonetheless. Four looked down at the floor below them, lost in their thoughts. Two was zoning out, thinking about what the next challenge should be on their show.

After about 20 minutes, the movie ended and X stood up and looked at the pair sitting on the couch.

"I'm going to bed you two" X muttered quietly, extremely tired.

Two looked up at them. "Goodnight, X"

X waved as they exited the room.

Two looked over at Four, and noticed that they looked pretty sad. Two scooted a bit closer and elbowed Four a bit.

Four got startled and looked up at Two. "What?" They asked in an annoyed tone as they balled up their fists, angry that the green one had dared to touch them.

Two muttered "..Sorry. I just wanted to ask if you were alright.. you look pretty gloomy."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you care?" Four asked nonchalantly.

"Why wouldn't I? You're my friend" Two replied, confused at the condescending attitude Four was giving them.

"Friend?" Four began "Friend!?". "You practically stole my show! You stole half of my contestants, took my co-host, and even hit me on the top of my head." He yelled "And you think we're friends!?"

Two shrank down. "I'm sorry." They started "I didn't take your co-host, you told them to leave."

"That doesn't justify anything else you didn't to me." Four couldn't bare to make eye contact.

Two apologized once again. "I'm sorry, Four."

Four looked back at Two, tears in their eyes.

Two looked concerned at Four, noticing the tears welling up in their eyes.

"Hey-." Two muttered, placing a hand on Fours arm to try and comfort them. "It's okay.. A lot of your contestants stayed, which means that like you as a host."

"Yeah, I guess." They began "But I constantly hurt them. I'm always putting them in danger. You never purposely hurt your contestants, you're such a good host."

Tears started flowing down Fours face, which startled Two. They didn't know exactly how to comfort Four.

Two placed a hand on Four's face and used their thumb to wipe away Four's tears.

Four suddenly wrapped their arms around Two, crying even harder.

Two calmly hugged Four back, and rubbed their back gently with their hand.

After a bit of Four crying and Two comforting them, They eventually let eachother go. Two wiped away Four's tears and looked at them.

"I hate you" Four said while smiling a bit and staring into Two's eyes.

"I know you do" Two replied while laughing and staring back at them.

BFB/TPOT 24/42 Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now