The Visit

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"Hey guys" Mariana says to the men who sit on the sofa as she enters the kitchen with Jess, only two of the saying their hellos back, obviously. That was until Schmidt nudged Nick and with a loud 'ow' he meekly replies.


Mariana wears cycling shorts and a sports bra, a simple black zip up hoodie placed on top clearly having just come back from the gym. Nicks eyes couldn't help but linger on her figure as she walks around the kitchen helping herself to fruit that is only bought for her and filling her water bottle up while she made conversation with Jess as she was stumbling around the kitchen getting her lunch together. Schmidt watches his best friend a grin on his face knowing how in love he is with her but refuses to do anything because he thinks he hates her, ridiculous man.

She joins them on the sofa, placing herself on the end closest to the door, next to Nick as he helps himself to her fruit bowl as she sits. Mariana scoffs, "Really?" she asks as Nick shrugs focusing on the TV and chewing his stolen mango. Mariana puts her feet up on the small footstool infront of her as the table had been pushed out of reach in order for Nick to rest his feet as well as Winston on the other end of sofa reaching it. In doing so her legs catch Nick's eye briefly, what was wrong with him today? he couldn't keep his eyes off her she obviously wasn't dressed to entice him or attempted to seduce but it was like she had him under a spell he could barely speak let alone argue with her as he usually does. Was this because of the night before? He didn't want to act too close to her after remembering how he acted at the wedding, maybe it was best he didn't speak to her and distanced himself completely.

While his brain racked there was a knock at the front door, Jess being occupied with her cooking in the kitched was unable to get it. The men, except for Nick, looked at Mariana silently pleading her to get it. Mariana looked up and sighed knowing it was her fault for sitting closest to the door as a result she stands while Winston and Schmidt go back to watching.

Opening the door she gasps and a familiar voice rings out throught the apartment "Mija!" A tall man says loudly with a smile on his face his arms held out as Mariana takes his invite and hugs him.

"Papá..." she says nervously chuckling while her head rests against his chest, the name causing the three men to whip their heads round at the man stood in the doorway, "¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?" she asks. By no means is she dissappointed by the surprise visit but she did wish he called so she could brief her friends on how mental her father is... in a loveable way...of course. Mariana had lost her mother when she was about 18, of course she was heartbroken she loved her mother but being the oldest of three it was up to her to be the adult now, she was only a teenager but so much was thrown onto her shoulders that she just had no choice but to adapt. In doing so she was brought so much closer with her father, you could say closer than her siblings but not every relationship was the same, they were a unique family thats for sure but she loved them all.

"I knocked on your apartment but no one answered, so I decided to ask some neighbours. I remember you mentioned some you were friends with." He began to explain. "First door, boom, here you are" He chuckles grasping her shoulders.

Mariana smiles back and asks for a moment to step away, her father agrees and she shuts the door turning the men watching her on the sofa. "Jess! over here" Jess who was previously eavesdropping from the kitchen quickly joins the sofa as Mariana stands before them. "Okay, my dad is on the other side of that door, you all need to be on your best behaviour. Mariana points an accusing finger at Nick, "especially you", in return Nick holds his hands up which was enough to assure her, it shouldn't have been but it was enough and with that she makes her way back to the door opening it and allowing her father in.

"Papá, these are my friends and neighbours." She says showing them off as she introduces them one by one as they stand to shake his hand respectfully.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr Roberts!" Jess says as she shakes his hand.

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