1- part of the team

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present September 2021; narrative

"Jules c'mon we have to leave." Rosaline screamed at me from our front door. It was our first day of sophomore year at Uconn and Rose hated being late. Me on the other hand didn't really mind. I liked to take my time getting ready, that's why I had woken up early and was savoring the two full hours I had saved to get ready stress free. Of course my best friend is always radiating stress, it's like she couldn't do anything without anxiously overthinking it. 

"I'm coming, calm your tits." I screamed back, walking to the door as I put my earrings in. Most of our mornings went like this so I became the master of shoving anything I needed in my pockets, or managing to finish getting ready on the drive to class. 

She just huffed before walking out of the door and to the car, I sped up to catch up with her after I put my shoes on and locked the door. We made it to her car and I jumped into the passenger seat, she rushed off, not even giving me time to put my seatbelt on. 

"Rose it's 8:40, class doesn't start till 9." I exclaimed as I applied lipgloss to my lips, she just rolled her eyes as she continued driving. Seriously this woman needed to chill for one day, it's not like she really liked school anyways. 

Class wasn't far from the dorms and we went our separate ways. Me to my photography class and her to finance. I was majoring in physical therapy but taking photography on the side since I loved it so much, but mom said it would never get me a good enough job. I was fine just taking it on the side though, it still gave me the opportunity to pursue what I loved while majoring in my passion since I was a little girl. Physical therapy was always a weird major, I definitely got a few looks when I decided it. I wanted to be a sports physical therapist, travelling with teams and taking care of them. Boys just didn't like that a girl could be involved in sports without playing them. 

I walked into class and took a seat in the middle. There were a few students inside but not many since there was still 10 minutes till class officially started. Thanks to Rose and her unnecessary morning stress I just sat there, watching the clock tick.  

"Ms Bronson, glad to see you in my class again." Professor Beckett said as she walked into class. Professor Beckett became like my mom at Uconn. When I had applied for this class last year I was always asking questions, annoying my classmates but always making her smile. Eventually I came to her outside of class time, just enjoying her advice about any problems I had. 

"I wouldn't miss it." She knew that. Even if Beckett taught a cooking class I would take it. 

Class finally started, mostly introductions since it was the first day and majority of the students were freshman's. I waited for class to end, checking the time so much that I swear it went backwards. I loved this class but god did I hate first days. Some professors don't care, jumping right into the work but than there were the few that liked introductions or ice breakers. After what felt like an eternity of waiting the bell rang ending the class and I gathered my things to head out. 

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now