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The last of our friends leave, which leaves us alone in her room and the entire house. I sit nervously next to her on the bed, and drink some of my beer. The only thing I can think about is what happened last night. I'm too embarrassed to bring it up, but she does it for me.

"So... about last night," she says, just as nervous as I am. We both suddenly laugh very loud, the tension disappearing.

"I can't believe you actually stuck your finger in me like that!" I say. "Right there in front of those guys!"

She grins sheepishly.

"Well, I was just trying to impress them," she says. "Sorry if I freaked you out."

Not wanting to alienate my best friend, I shake my head.

"No, no, it just felt really weird and unexpected," I tell her, trying to make her feel better. "It definitely made those senior guys flip out!"

She laughs a little.

"Yeah..." she says. "I feel like all we really need to do is... practice it some."

My heart suddenly begins to beat faster as my nervousness returns.

"Well, they really did go for it..." I say slowly, not wanting to commit to anything.

She shrugs.

"Yeah, we might get to hang out with a ton of senior guys this way," she says. "I haven't done anything like this before, but it's no worse than making out, and we've definitely practiced that."

I nod, thinking back on the times she pulled me away from the group and how we made out, nervously at first, but growing more comfortable very quickly. Our make-out sessions got to the point where it wasn't a big deal at all. In fact, one time, I stuck my hand down her panties on a dare, and it was no big deal. She watches me, and she can tell I'm becoming less opposed to the idea.

"Well, when did you want to... practice?" I ask.

In response, she puts her hand on my tummy. My breathing gets heavier. I watch her hand as she moves it down, sliding underneath my shorts and pushing my panties aside. The angle makes her wrist hurt my leg somewhat. Her hand lingers there for a moment as she looks up at me, but I make no move to stop her. I'm too nervous to do anything. Slowly, her finger enters me, and the weird feeling from last night returns. I can't believe my best friend actually has her finger inside me! It hurts at first, but she gently begins to move her finger back and forth. I can feel myself getting wetter, and I close my eyes. Just as the strangeness fades, a door slams downstairs. We both jump, and she pulls out quickly, leaving an ache inside me.

"Oh crap, my parents are back," she whispers. "What if they smell it on me?"

Without thinking, I grab her finger and suck it clean like I do to my own fingers after I masturbate. She watches me lick her finger clean, a strange but curious expression in her eyes. We fix our clothes just in time.

The next night, she comes over to my house. She is more direct this time.

"Ok, so I feel weird that we got interrupted last night," she explains. "I think we should practice some more until we're used to it."

With a little of last night's unreality still in my head, I just nod. I sit back on the edge of my bed. Remembering how the angle under my shorts hurt, I slide my shorts off, leaving only my panties.

"Just to make it easier," I tell her. She nods, and reaches her hand forward.

"Wait," I say, and turn out the light. "Ok, better."

Without hesitation, she moves my panties to the side and slides a finger in me once more.

"How's that feel?" she asks.

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