Chapter 11

663 22 4

Word count:971


Hinny friendship

Animagus Harry (black cat with green eyes)

Momma Minnie (I think you know what I mean-)



~Harry P.O.V~

I wake up again, still in the Hospital Wing.

"Harry! You're awake! Draco has been worried sick about you!"

I sit up so quickly I bang my head on the top end of the bed.

"OW!" I yell, rubbing at the sore spot on my head. "Wait, Ginny?! What day is it?!"

"It's Saturday. You've been out since Monday."

"Really?! Bloody hell!!! Everyone's going to be so mad at me for worrying them..." I start to mumble under my breath.

"Harry, we talked about this. You have got to stop thinking like that!"

I see Madam Pomfrey walking towards me, a few potions in her hand. Ginny turns and stands up, says goodbye to me, and then she leaves.

"I'm sorry Mr. Potter, no visitors allowed right now." says Madam Pomfrey, who has suddenly appeared next to me.

I lay my head back down and turn on my side, away from her. I sit there for a while, thinking.

"Mr. Potter, I'm going to need you to take some of this potion, ok?" she says, handing me a clear glass, full of blue liquid.

"What is it?"

"I need you to drink all of it before I can tell you anything..."

I roll my eyes and drink the potion, every last drop. I feel strange, but I can't tell exactly why.

"You passed out after you started having a panic attack, Mr. Potter."

I nod, zoning out.

"I will leave you alone for now, you have a visitor. You may come in Mr. Malfoy!" she shouts in the direction of the door.


"Yes, Mr. Malfoy has come to visit you."

I sit up again, though not quite as fast, to avoid hitting my head. Draco walks over to me, and sits down in the chair next to my bed.

"Hey Harry. I haven't seen you in a while. I heard little Weasley telling other Weasley and smarty-pants that you were awake, so I thought I'd come and see you."

"You know they have names, right?" I ask, rolling my eyes, unable to keep the grin off my face.

"I know, but it's not like I'll ever use them. Oh how sad that is..." he says in a dramatic voice.

I punch him lightly in the arm.

"Ow! There is no need for you to assault me over some names!"

"You're so dramatic, Drac- I mean Malfoy."

"Don't call me that."

"I'm sorry! I-it just slipped out!"

"No, I mean stop calling me Malfoy. It makes it sound like we're enemies or something."

"We're not enemies?! I thought you hate me?!"

"Used to, past tense. I stopped hating you a long time ago."

"Then why did you insist on bullying me to the point I cry myself to sleep most nights?"

"Well, I-" he stops suddenly turning to stare at me.


"It affected you that badly?! To the point that you cried yourself to sleep?!"

"That's not important. I'm fine, I'll get over it. I'm just being dramatic."

"That is important! Why didn't you tell anyone?! Did you tell anyone?!"

"No," I say in a flat voice. "Nobody would have cared anyways..."

"Lot's of people would have cared, Harry! If you don't tell anyone, it won't ever get any better!" he says, standing up.

"Don't talk to me like you know what I'm going through! I don't want your pity! Everyone would have hated me if I was weak! You would have hated me!!!" I yell, also standing up.

"I could never hate you Harry! I was in the same situation you were in! You keep digging yourself into a deeper hole!"

I'm about to respond, when Professor McGonagall walks in. She walks over, and without warning, wraps me in her arms. I feel myself crying, in front of Draco and Professor McGonagall. She must notice, because she starts stroking my hair.

"Shh, you're okay, you're okay." she says.

Yelling must have used up most of my energy, because I feel drowsy. I hear a small snap, and I feel smaller all of a sudden.

"Did he just turn into a cat again?"

When did Hermione get here?

"Is he going to be able to turn back this time?"

Ron too?

Draco reaches out for me and McGonagall places me in his arms. He starts petting me, and I start to purr. Then, out of absolutely nowhere, Remus and Sirius appear. Draco sits back down in the chair again, continuing to pet me.

"Where's Harry? Is he okay?" Remus asks.

"He's fine, Remus. I see him." Sirius says.

"Where? I don't see him anywhere?"

Sirius walks over to Draco.

"Can you give me Harry for a moment?" he asks, holding out his arms.

"Sure, but be careful. He might attack you, he doesn't exactly like being taken away from me."

Draco places me into Sirius' arms, and I breathe in his familiar scent.

"Wait, that's Harry?

"Yes. I think you may have forgotten how good I am at spotting other Animagi."

I lick his face.

"Harry, stop that."

I listen to him and stop. I meow and attempt to jump down, but Sirius stops me. He sets me down carefully on the floor, and I trot over to Remus. I purr and rub up against his leg. I jump up and start to paw at his knee.

"He wants you to pick him up," Draco says. "He likes being held."

Remus bends over and picks me up, and I purr contently in his arms, burying my face in his neck. Remus starts to laugh, and I stop.

"Sorry Harry, I can't help it! Your fur tickles!"

I look back over at Sirius, but find a big, shaggy, black dog in his place. I jump down from Remus' arms, landing on my feet. Sirius lies down on the floor, and I curl up next to him. I snuggle into his fur, and drift off to sleep.



I have been blessed by the motivation gods! I started this yesterday, but I didn't finish it, so here I am, giving you this gift of a new chapter.

Love y'all,


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