Book 2: My Lord Saves the Citizens - Chapter 66

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The video changed to scenes of lush landscapes—fields of greens, pristine lakes, and snowbound mountains with dots of houses here and there, and the winding roads where the occasional modern vehicles such as cars or trucks or buses sped through the motorway.

"Now, that's more like it," Aldric said, watching the screen. "And those roads. They're beautiful." A motorbike zoomed past, and he perked up, his eyes glistening with interest, which I noticed.

We, as viewers, followed the man on the motorbike, breezing along the road, the wind gusting past. I flicked my gaze back and forth between the screen and Aldric, and I secretly smiled.

So Aldric was a motorbike sort of man, eh? I could picture it, Aldric in jeans and a leather jacket on a motorbike. He'd fit in perfectly as the alpha of a motorbike club. Add in those marks about his arms and shoulders like a tattoo...

I involuntarily shivered in thrill at the thought.

The scene changed yet again to fields of wheat somewhere in a farmland, vast and endless, and Aldric said, "I wonder if we could make our Norsewood road like that."

I moved down and lay on top of him, my arms crossed and resting on his side and my chin on my arms. "We'll make it like that," I said. "It'll be smooth and clean yet there's enough friction and grit. Although I think we'll have to come up with a solution with the ice and snow. If the weather is always this bad in winter and the snow so thick, the road won't stand a chance. We'd still have problem with traveling during winter, which won't be ideal as Norsewood grows."

Aldric said, "What about Earth? How were the roads taken care of during the winter season?"

I tilted my head to one side. "We have the winter service vehicle for major roads, the motorways. On small driveways and walkways and such, we use a snowblower or snow thrower, like we have here in the lodge maintenance department."

I had seen Grayson, the head of the maintenance and groundskeeping department, and sometimes his staff, using the machine to clear the snow around the lodge, which was why the children could play outside in the front of the building on a sunny day.

Come to think of it, our snowblowers—there were two of them—weren't the walk-behind type, but rather, the drivable type. Though Vicky did create it so that it was very easy to drive—a simple touch of a button to turn on the magical engine, one low speed with the push of a foot accelerator, and the wheel for turning, I still couldn't believe Grayson and his team had managed to learn to drive from the tutorial Vicky gave out alone. Then again, they were used to driving carriages and carts here using horses or donkeys, so perhaps it wasn't that much different.

"Perhaps we can have something like that," Aldric said. "The thing you called the winter service vehicle."

I nodded, although I would rather come up with something more magical, so to speak.

I stayed quiet as Aldric continued to watch the video, an introduction to modern Earth. Every time the scene changed to something new, he'd widen his eyes in pleasant surprise, which was damn cute. Because I couldn't help myself, I moved and climbed on top of him, which drew his attention to me. Half lounging on him, I brought my face close to his and said, "You know that a date between husband and wife requires kissing?"

I felt his body tense beneath me. He said, "Is... that so?"

"Do you not want to kiss me?"

I saw his jaw tighten, and then he said, "No, that's not it."

Not backing down, I said, "Then I'm going to kiss you, sir." Before he could register what the bejesus was going on, I lowered myself and planted my lips against his, my hands cupping his face, holding him captive, my fingers digging deep into his thick blond mane.

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