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The first days of school always follow the same pattern. Teachers tell you to be good and take this year serious. The only difference was that this year, teachers were being more adamant about it. Joy's class was known for being trouble. Despite the continuous warnings, Joy knew it was all falling on deaf ears. As far as they were concerned, this was their last year to have fun with the people from their hometown. They would be out most weekends, going a hundred miles an hour, spending daddy's money. Many of the guys drank, smoked and partied. There had been a scandal in the 8th grade where all the guys hooked up with the same 10th grader. That was only one of the many crazy things that her classmates had been involved in.

Even though, they weren't model citizens, Joy had gotten used to their antics and considered many of these people her friends. Though they weren't the closest, Joy had found a common understanding with these people.

I don't care what you do in your free time, if we are ever in a group just make sure you get your side of the work done. 

Or else. 

Despite the threat lacking any real weight, people had realized that it was a better option to stay on her good side. They did their work and she would take the scraps they had produced and do her best to Rumpelstiltskin it into something presentable. 

Unfortunately for her, she had been tasked with a group assignment on the first day of class. Mrs. Fisher was known for giving lengthy group work with detailed rubrics. She was stern with students and expected nothing but the very best. Mrs. Fisher did not take excuses or give extensions, she simply wanted quality work. 

"You have until midterms to give me a presentation on the abolitionist movement in America, I want slides, videos, infographics," Fisher dictated to the class. Joy tried to take notes on the slides presenting the homework but before she could grab her pen, the slides had changed.  "Don't worry, we will be covering everything over the next couple of weeks but I expect you to do your own research to build the project on," The whole class groaned at the idea of such a big project early on. 

Jeremy, the self-assigned class clown raised his hand. Mrs. Fisher nodded towards him. "Do we get to pick our own groups?" He smiled mischievously towards Kristy. Jeremy was not one to work hard and he wanted nothing more than to prey on Kristy's kind personality to slack off and eventually submit AI generated work. He had also developed a strange obsession with Kristy that nobody could really understand. From an outsider's perspective it may have seemed like a little crush but anyone who actually knew either of them couldn't tell the source of his disposition towards her. 

Jeremy was by no means ugly. If Joy had not known him for so long she may have actually considered him attractive. He had a sudden growth spurt over the summer that made him a foot taller and had recently lost stubborn baby weight. He had a kind smile but his personality seemed to null all that was good about him. He was loud, annoying and an outright pain.

"No, Jeremy, for this project, I will choose who you will work with," Jeremy scowled and Kristy let out a sigh of relief. Mrs. Fisher chose the groups. It was obvious she was trying to pair the hardworking kids with the trouble makers for the sake of equality. At the end of the day Joy was left with Jeremy, Rachel and Aryan. Joy had no problem working with Rachel and Aryan. Neither of them were trouble makers and she got along just fine with them. Rachel came to their school a year or so ago. She quickly became friends with everyone, she was small with a loud personality. Aryan had made friends just as fast, his family had moved from Indonesia 5 years ago for business. Aryan was a kind boy but he often let himself get carried away by his desperate need to fit in. It got annoying at times, especially when he would do work for the other guys for free. Joy pitied him but said nothing.

Mrs. Fisher used the rest of the class time to discuss the curriculum for the rest of the school year. It was nothing worth listening to so Joy found herself daydreaming. It was one of her greatest gifts and curses. She could daydream in almost any situation. As soon as she lost interest in her surroundings she would be lost in her mind. She loved to daydream. The images were so vivid in her mind and often she could feel the emotions of her little characters grip her in real life. It was like a momentary opportunity to watch a little movie in her head. One that often starred herself in an impossible situation. 

Before long she was awoken from her dream by the recess bell. She picked up her bag and walked out with her friends. Tabitha and Kristy spent almost every recess playing volleyball in the school's sports arena. Joy never quite understood why they loved to play the sport so much. She enjoyed participating once in a while but she much preferred playing basketball. Standing at 5'8 she wasn't that great at basketball but had been on the team for years now and had no plans on quitting. The school team did pretty well in the regional competitions but that was because the girls' teams in the region weren't that great. 

Today, Joy decided to join them. She had nothing else to do and thought it would be a fun pastime on the first day. As they walked, they talked about their class for the year. A lot of people had left Meadows over the years. The class almost felt empty without them. People they had known for years would leave the country, some never even contacting their old friends. 

"Well at least the biggest drama starters are gone," Tabitha remarked. Somehow over the years the girls who would always fight over boys and start rumors about their best friends had managed to leave. To some this meant that school life would be boring but to most it meant peace of mind. 

"Well all but one," Kristy chimed in.

Sylvia. She was a pretty girl. She had high cheek bones and an athletic build from playing virtually every sport the school had to offer. By circumstance and life situation she had hooked up with most of the guys in our class. She wasn't a terrible person. If anything Joy quite liked her. She was funny and they were both on the basketball team together. In Joy's opinion, Sylvia was simply the result of bad friendships and heart break. 

"You know, I'm sure she will be quiet this year, most of her friends are gone," Joy reasoned. 

" I doubt it, if anything she would wanna make a bigger statement now that Ethan isn't here anymore," Kristen added. Ah, yes, Joy had almost forgotten the obsession Sylvia had with Ethan. The story was never really clear, it seemed like they had dated in middle school but Sylvia never got over him. She has always had this strangely possessive nature over her exes. If anyone ever flirted with or showed interest in her exes she would make it clear how much she disliked them. 

"I heard that she was hanging around Jeremy over the holidays,"

Joy and Kristy experienced whiplash like never before. Somehow they expected it but were surprised at the same time. "Well at least she has something to keep her busy for senior year," 

The girls laughed as they finally arrived at the sports arena.


Hello my lovlies, 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It has been very stressful trying to keep up with this book and college so bare with me. What are your thoughts so far. I really want to develop the characters properly and I hope you can see it in my writing. 

Anyways, I will do my best to update as soon as I can. 

Until then, don't forget to vote and tell your friends about this book. See you later.

- urfavehistorian ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ

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