Chapter 66

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"Prince Akihiko... My apologies," I dusted my dress and smiled.

He has two secondary powers, time and spirit. It's nothing compared to my 5 but it's still a great feat.

"How do you like the garden?" he smiled back, kneeling down to the raspberry bush.

"It's quite extraordinary, it must have taken years to perfect the array, even those with a greenery attribute would struggle," I complimented.

"Nothing a little time couldn't fix," he said with a flash of playfulness in his eyes.

Oh! I forgot he had time magic. Though he can't turn back large areas and could die if used excessively, a little a day should shorten the time needed by a lot.

"You're smart. And you know I'm smarter than most of you think I am, so ask what you want to ask," I beamed.

"If that's the case. I think you know a Spirit's Arcana when you see one, so, question is, what do you plan on doing with such information?" he looked at me coldly.

Something told me that he didn't want his secret out in the open.

"What do you want me to do with it?" I asked curiously.

"With what? You didn't see anything did you?" he asked innocently.

I smiled and zipped my mouth. "Just some lovely crystal raspberries,"

"Well... Then, what would you like to do today, Princess?" he asked seriously.

Basically, he's asking me what I want in return.

"Perhaps we could go shopping? I know a great market that sells strange wares," he smiled.

"Or maybe a scenic fly above Slade? I could borrow a pegasus and I know the bests spots," he suggested.

"As lovely as that sounds, I think I'd be fine roaming the gardens," I said happily as he frowned.

He didn't want to give me time to think about what to do with such an open favor.

"But I don't like owing things, Princess. There must be something that piques your intrest," he hurried.

"There is one thing," I grinned.

He looked slightly worried but plastered a tight lipped smile.

"What would that be?" he asked as I smirked.

"Snap dragons," I said simply as he looked at me confused.

"Snap dragons... Do you mean Dragon snaps?" he asked curiously.

I kept forgetting that the flower Snap dragon was referred to as Dragon Snaps here.

"Uh, yes, Dragon snaps. You wouldn't have any planted here, would you?" I asked excitedly.

"That... Is your request? To see Dragon snaps?" he asked in disbelief.

"Preferably live ones," I added.

"A live Dragon snap... To have one, I would need living earth and would require multiple complex alchemical formulas..." he explained.

Then he smirked, "Luckily enough, I happen to dabble in alchemy,"

I laughed and put out my hand, "Don't tell me, show me,"

He tried to stay cool but he couldn't hide the excitement of having someone to show off to.

We made our way through the labyrinth he calls his garden into a sunny spot filled with Dragon snaps as big as me and Akihiko combined.

The giant Dragon snaps greeted us by letting out a small roar and friendly growls.

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