Chapter 58: I love you

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"Boss!" Rana exclaimed as she sprang from her seat. Happiness was written all over her face.

Dominic look around the hospital, he tried to sit up but Rana stopped him.

"Don't, I have to tell the doctor first.." Rana said and made to leave but Dominic stopped her.

"How long have I been unconscious?" He asked weakly.

"Three days boss.. it's been so hard on Chantel. I'll call her now.. she'll be so happy to see you" Rana said.

Three days? Dominic felt bad knowing how worried Chantel would be.. before he could say another word Rana rush out to call the doctor. Remembering the show he had missed he groaned lightly in frustration.

"How could I have missed that" He mumbled.

Siren could be heard in a cold area. There was crowd focusing their attention at one direction.

It's her right? The woman in the news...

Oh, is that an accident? I hope she is alive..

She look wounded...

The crowd murmur among each other as they bought Susan of of the car. She was still alive.

Chantel actually started the car and the stopped it after it move to some distance. Susan had fainted due to fear and the trauma of her past. She never had the thought of killing her, she's not a monster.

She was even the one who called the ambulance for her.

"What about Avis?" Chantel asked Enzo on their way back to the hospital.

"George is taking care of him. He had been like Avis's father ever since Dustin died" Enzo replied.

Chantel face was calm but Enzo knew she was disturbed.

"You're okay?" Enzo asked.

"It's been three days now, I can't take it" Chantel breath out.

Enzo phone rang, it was Rana calling him. "Hey Rana.. what's up?"

"Boss is awake!" Came a scream from Rana.

Chantel's eyes flew open hearing those three words. She asked the driver to speed up and they got to the hospital in 20 minutes.

Getting to the ward, she found the doctor changing his bandage. His hair was messy and his face was paled. He raised his head to her and their eyes met.

"Dom" she muttered as big balls of tears formed in her eyes.


Hearing his voice, Chantel rush and hug him. Dominic felt a sharp pain but ignored it and hug her too. Her light sob made him felt like punching himself.

"I'm sorry I gat you worried" He said lightly, his hand pat her black long hair lightly.

"I was so scared Dom.. I thought I lost you. I'm so sorry, this is all my fault" She cried harder, her tears kept on wetting his hospital wear and bandage.

"No it's not, I'm the one who was weak. Beside I missed your show. I'm sorry I couldn't see watch you fulfilling your dream" Dominic muttered.

Chantel looked up to him. "You're my dream hubby. All I want is you" she said.

Dominic heart swell by her word. He lean down and kissed her lightly on the lips at the same time wiping the tears on her face.

The kiss was brief. They stared at each other with a smile on their face.

"Boss" Enzo bite his lips trying hard to control the tears threaten to come out if his eyes.

"Don't tell me you're about to cry too" Dominic raised his brow at him.

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