22. A tablet kid

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Ri's perspective:

Thankfully Toru was sitting still for a while, watching the screen with both of them until Tonuk's watch rang.

It was the tone Tonuk set for serious/emergency calls, and it startled everyone.

Tonuk had to leave as a Turo had gotten hurt pretty bad while play fighting, and since he was the veterinarian, he had to go.

And so, he and Toru were left to eachother, where they continued watching more shows.

Ri was thinking to himself meanwhile, first on continuing his plan of learning how Toru was feeling based on its smell, which was going fairly well, though he realized he forgot to tell Tonuk about it.

Then he realized that he had to talk with Tonuk on if they should continue teaching Toru more words, since other species its size only remembered ~30 words, so they should prioritize teaching it usefull things.

He was taken out of his thoughts as he felt Toru pull his arm up on its lap and then start poking at his watch.

He turned the watch on and showed Toru how to use it, watching as it fiddled around with it.

As he took a picture of Toru, he decided to see how it would react to the tablet, since that thing actually had games, instead of just being for utility.

He watched as Toru was messing around with some apps, finally settling on playing something.

It was playing completely wrong, as it was setting things, bassically at random, and in front of all the animals, instead of saving the herbivores, but still, he was impressed that it understood how to move stuff around in the game.

He continued watching Toru play until Tegnuk came to their house since Tonuk asked for him to come help out.

He quickly left, leaving some food and water for Toru, quickly telling goodbye.

They started talking while hurrying to go to the place.

Tegnuk- "Why did we say goodbye to it?
Y'know what, just, whatever.

So, basically, when we were cleaning up after the fight, some of the Turos smelt that scent they release when they're hurt, and they got agitated and fought more, so, yeah"

Ri- "Alright, so I guess I'll help out with treating wounds as well?"

Tegnuk- "No, don't worry about that, Tonuk has it under control, it's mostly so you can help us finish up cleaning, since we don't know where the Turo put the scent, so we need your help with that"

They went inside the building, where Ri quickly finished what he was called over to do.

Having finished the 5 second job, he decided to go help out Tonuk, who by the time he walked into the clinic, was already done.

They quickly patched up the two other Turos that got hurt, though by the time they were done, it was already time to close up the shelter.

While packing up the Turo and getting stuff out for the night they chatted idly, firstly about the scent thing with Toru and then on what to train Toru to do.

Tonuk- "Well, let's just stick to basic things for now like, to stay and stuff like that"

Ri, while laughing- "Actually, I just remembered something funny,

So, I think i accidentally turned Toru into a tablet kid, you know, that thing that happened when the first tablets were made?"

They both laughed for a bit before finishing up and heading back to their house

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum