Tease Me

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The next few minutes were incredibly intense.

As soon as they had realised Voldemort himself was the third time-traveler, and realised that gave them the go ahead to tell Dumbledore, Draco and Harry were on their merry way to his office in a matter of seconds.

Before this, however, they had retrieved Snape, with little explanation other than 'got to tell Dumbledore', and luckily, Snape simply went along with it.

Dumbledore took the news of the alternate timeline, time travelling students and a Dark Lord with terrifying amounts of knowledge surprisingly calmly. Or perhaps it wasn't calm, and he was simply Dumbledore, so calmness was a mere byproduct of his existence.

For the first thing, Dumbledore called McGonagall, explained vaguely their situation, asked her to fetch Sirius, Ron and Hermione before returning, and then told Snape to retrieve Pansy.

Once all those who were aware of the alternate timelines were in the office, Dumbledore made them go over several details of the previous timeline - with extra emphasis on the parts that had changed this time around. He then decided that the best option would be to work whilst they still had the upper hand - Voldemort still didn't know what they knew. Because of this, Dumbledore decided that Harry should still go to the Graveyard, however with the added protection of a small number of Order members just in case he cannot escape alone. The idea would be to have Harry hear whatever Voldemort's grand speech is this time around, in order to hopefully gather more information on his plans, before making a speedy escape with the Portkey-Cup and returning safely.

Cedric would not be involved, thus already saving one innocent life in this timeline.

After the Tournament, Dumbledore decided the Order would be reinstated at Grimmauld Place, with the consent of Sirius, who nodded in affirmation at this, and Harry would be sent there as soon as he'd stayed a week at the Dursleys.

At the news of the Dursleys, Harry protested, saying he needn't stay at their's for protection as he'd been perfectly fine all the while he was staying at Grimmauld in the summer of his fourth year, before fifth. Dumbledore countered that it was no longer an issue of safety, as much as an issue of gathering suspicion from Voldemort and the Death Eaters should he suddenly divert from the original timeline so enormously, Dumbledore saying he had no doubt Voldemort would be watching them keenly and would notice such a large diversion from the original timeline.

After much discussion, a vague plan was formed. The Tournament would commence with added protection, the Order of The Phoenix would continue to use Grimmauld Place as Headquarters and once everyone was assembled there, Harry and Draco would enlighten everyone to the situation - save for the traitorous Mundungus Fletcher, who would no longer be involved - this would mean nobody was in the dark about what is to come, and Harry and Draco would be able to freely provide information without fear of implicating themselves.

At the end of Dumbledore's speech, there were murmurs of assent from both McGonagall and Snape. Hermione looked determined, Ron looked anxiously expectant and Pansy looked mildly alarmed by the whole ordeal.

To Draco, it all sounded very logical and convincing. They'd do as much as they could, and go from there. However, there was one vital detail Dumbledore had missed, which niggled at Draco's conscience.

"Excuse me, Professor, I'm sorry to ask, but what about my mother?"

All heads turned towards him.

"What about her, Mr Malfoy? Do you suggest we involve her in the activities of the Order? Or would you like us to simply ensure her safety?" Dumbledore asked kindly.

Draco blinked, frowning at the floor. What did he want? He wasn't really sure it would be a good idea to involve her in the activities of the Order of The Phoenix, not when she was so loyal to his father. Except he undoubtedly would be involved with the Order; likely staying at Grimmauld, and he wouldn't want to just abandon her entirely, no matter how safe she would be. She loved him, and he loved her. His father was another matter, he'd stopped feeling anything akin to love for him a long time ago. Perhaps he should feel bad for that, but he simply could not find it in himself.

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