𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. collision

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imessage / in real life

✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER THIRTEEN!❪     imessage   /   in real life     ❫

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gabs &  issie  )

5:20 PM

hey most of us are already
at the gym
didnt know how much longer
you would be but just letting u

yeah i just got home
i don't think im gonna make it

what? why not?☹️

we broke up

omg issie
i can come home if u want me to

no i'll be fine gabs. just wanna
lay in bed and watch gilmore
girls for a few hours🫠
can u do me one favor tho..

yes anything

take a picture of lacy busting her ass

you got it babe 😭
i love you

i love you literally so much more


ISABEL SLID THE KEY INTO HER DORM DOOR. The tears had not stopped flowing since she left the restaurant. She didn't want to cry over him. But after spending three years of your life with someone just to know that you would most likely never speak to them again, wasn't an easy thing to handle.

Her eyes were clouded over, making it difficult for her to see where exactly her hands were. She fiddled with the knob, shaking it to try and get the key to click into place. A exasperated sigh left passed her lips as she dropped the keys to the ground.

Just as she bent down to pick them up from the ground, a body knocked into hers. She lost her balance and fell to the floor, the coffee and to-go box falling out of her hands. She wanted to stay on the ground and not get up until the other person walked away. The fact that she was crying her eyes out was already embarrassing enough, but now she had completely busted her ass.

"Isabel, get up." Kate's voice rang through her ears. Now she really didn't want to get up. Isabel shook her head, covering her face with her hands to try and hide the fact that she was crying. She didn't want Kate to ask her what was wrong. "Seriously? Come on."

Kate grabbed her upper arm gently, dragging it away from her face as she helped lift her back on her feet. She bent down to grab her things, handing them back to her. Isabel kept her gaze on her shoes, uttering a soft thank you.

"What is wrong with you?" Kate asked in confusion, bending down slightly to try and see Isabel's face. Her behavior was beginning to weird Kate out. "Isabel."

The girl finally picked her head up and Kate's heart stopped at the sight of her reddened cheeks and puffy eyes. Her lips had become ripped up and swollen from where she had been biting at them too much. Kate pulled the girls body into her own, engulfing her in a comforting hug. Any anger she was holding towards the girl had washed away at that very moment. Now all she could think about was making sure she was okay.

Kate placed one arm around her waist tightly as the other one rested in her hair. Isabel melted into her arms, dropping the coffee and cake to floor so she could reciprocate the hug. She laid her head into Kate's neck, taking in her comforting scent. The racing of her heart automatically began to slow down and she felt herself fall into the reassurance of Kate's arms.

Kate couldn't stop her stomach from clenching at the feeling of Isabel's body racking sobs against her own. She wasn't sure what had gotten the girl so upset, but whatever it was all she wanted to do was fix it.

"Isabel what happened?" She whispered into her ear, stroking her hair softly.

"We broke up," Isabel chocked out past all of her sniffles. "He got so mad, Kate." Her mind flashed back to the image of Austin storming out of the cafe. His hands clenched and face red.

Kate wanted to jump up and down. She had been patiently awaiting the day where Isabel finally acknowledged that she was not being treated the way she should be. Austin was the worthless man who was not deserving of her unconditional love. And his time taking that for granted was up.

"I'm so sorry, Issie." She was not sorry at all.

"It's fine. It needed to happen." Isabel reassured, though it was more towards herself than to Kate. She pulled back from Kate's embrace, wiping away the stray tears still rolling down her cheeks. There was a small smile resting on her face now, which made Kate's stomach flutter with butterflies. "Shouldn't you be at the gym with all the other girls or were you not going?"

"I just came back to grab an extra pair of shoes for Lacy," Kate explained, pointing to the basketball shoes she had dropped on the ground when she collided with her. Isabel's mouth opened but no words came out, so she only nodded. "I don't guess you'll be tagging along."

"No, I don't think so," She sighed, gathering her things from the ground once again. Kate nodded slowly. "Well, I'll see you later."

Kate clenched her teeth together, "Yeah." She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay with Isabel and hold her while she told her how much of a dick her ex-boyfriend was—that he never truly deserved her. But was that too much? A little too friendly? Probably, but everyone has desires.

Kate picked up the shoes, holding her head low as she continued past Isabel. She was holding out hope that the girl would say don't go.

But it never happened, so she didn't turn back either.

Isabel closed the door to her dorm with a heavier heart than she arrived with. Not only was her heart hurting, but now it was also confused. Confused as to the effects that Kate Martin seemed to have on it. She made everything within Isabel be a jumbled mess in the matter of seconds. One minute she was distant and cold towards her, then the next she was holding the girl in her arms more passionately than anyone had ever held her before.

What the fuck was happening?

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞,
wrote this chapter five times
in different scenarios... DIDNT
( decided i'd give kate & isabel
a cute little scene anyways 🙄 )

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