Chapter 66: Wind-Controlling Ship, 100 Times the Speed of Sound!

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Chapter 66: Wind-Controlling Ship, 100 Times the Speed of Sound!

TL: Etude

Yue Family Estate.

When Ye Tian arrived here, escorted by an Elite Martial Warrior, he couldn't help but marvel at the sight of the Yue family's residential area. The estate the Yue family occupied was expansive, featuring numerous tall buildings and even clusters of retro-style villas. A large number of Martial Warriors were milling about, and Elite Martial Warriors could be seen from time to time.

The Yue family even had a considerable number of heavily-armed guards, each clad in armor and wielding a spear, patrolling the area like ancient soldiers. Had Ye Tian not been guided, he would have found it impossible to enter the Yue family's estate.

Along the way, Ye Tian had been using his cloning talent to assess the talents of the Yue family members.

Medium cultivation talent! Medium cultivation talent! Low-level cultivation talent! High-level cultivation talent!

After carefully observing, Ye Tian noticed that most of them had medium or low-level cultivation talents. Of course, there were also plenty of ordinary people in the Yue family. There weren't many with high-level cultivation talent, indicating that such a talent was relatively good within the Yue family. As for top-tier cultivation talent, Ye Tian hadn't seen a single one. Not that there weren't any; he just hadn't encountered them yet.

"Young Master Ye Tian, we've arrived," said the escort, pointing to an open space not far away.

There, over twenty people had already gathered—around a dozen young individuals, six or seven middle-aged people, and one elderly man.

"Ye Tian, you've arrived!" Yue Ling called out as he walked over.

"Yes, I've arrived," Ye Tian responded, nodding faintly.

At that moment, he sensed several unfriendly gazes directed at him.

Sensing Ye Tian's awareness, Yue Ling walked over and whispered, "I gave the quota to you, which has made some of our clan members unhappy. But don't worry about them."

Ye Tian nodded slightly. He wasn't concerned about mere Martial Warriors. The most talented among them had, at best, top-tier cultivation talent, and their special talents were far inferior to Yue Ling's. He might have paid more attention if someone had extraordinary talents.

At that point, the elderly man glanced deeply at Ye Tian and announced, "Since everyone is here, let's set off."


A flying ship materialized out of thin air. The sight completely astounded Ye Tian.

A young man from the Yue family sneered, "What, never seen a Wind-Controlling Ship before? We of the Yue family own as many as ten of these."

Feeling slighted, Ye Tian retorted, "The Yue family may have ten, but do you? Come talk to me when you do. Otherwise, just shut up."

The young man was left speechless, unsure of how to respond. Was he to claim the Wind-Controlling Ship as his? He dared not; the ship belonged to the Yue family, not to him.

"Hmph, it's easy to enter the secret realm, but not so easy to leave. I'd hate to see Ling waste a quota on you," the young man scoffed.

"Don't worry. If anyone's going to die, it won't be me," Ye Tian chuckled.

"Alright, young people, let's not get too heated," the elderly man interrupted, his gaze shifting between Ye Tian and the young man as a subtle aura of pressure emanated from him.

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