Getting ready

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(Georgia's POV)

Last night when we got back, it was like 9 so we all decided to grab some food and go to sleep early so we can wake up on time tomorrow.  Cam said we have to be at the court by 10, but we would just be in one of the rooms that they provided until quarter to 11. Me and Nelson decided last night that I had to walk in front of him so that he can see me.


I woke up to my alarm blasting in my ear. I hit my phone until the noise stopped. I stretched my arms but accidentally hit something...or someone. I looked to my side and saw Nelson glaring at me holding his eye.

"I'm sorrryyy babeee" I say laughing and trying to hug him

"No get away from me" he pushes me back but you can tell he's trying not to laugh

I ignore him and stand up on the bed. I flop down right on top of him, earning a groan and a taser to my side. I absolutely hate when I get tasered, so I very quickly got off of him.

"I hate you" I flip him off

"I love you too babe" he smiles from the bed

"Mhm. But get up it's already 8. Cam wants us down for breakfast by 9"

Nelson groans "noo come lay with me" he pouts

I laugh at his childish behaviour but walk to the bathroom ignoring him

"Ma nooo Come back" he finally gets out of bed, but instead of getting ready, he follows me like a lost puppy

"Nelson can you let me breath" I look at him

"No it's ok" he grins at me

I sigh just go about my morning. If he's late it's not my fault. I looked for a fit but I couldn't figure out what to wear. Nelson generally has good style, so I'm gonna see what he has to say

"Babe idk what to where" Nelson looks up from his phone

"Can I pick" he asks

I nod "ok one sec" Nelson heads over to my suitcase and starts looking through all my clothes

(Georgia's fit)

"Wait Nelson this is so cute" I look at myself in the mirror after I put it on

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"Wait Nelson this is so cute" I look at myself in the mirror after I put it on

"Ya I know. I literally am the fashion icon" he does a little model walk

"Wait this isn't my hoodie" I look at him

"It's mine" he comes closer

"Aww babbbe. It's so cute, I'm gonna keep it" I hug him

Nelson rolls his eye but hugs me back. I pull away and turn towards the bathroom. As I was walking away I felt a sting on my ass. I quickly turned around and saw Nelson standing there acting all innocent.

"Nelson. Why?" I look at him sideways

"Sorry it was just there" he shrugs

"Nelson that hurt. There's gonna be a handprint bro" I flip him off

"Don't call me bro Georgia. Im ur Boyfriend. And I didn't even hit you THAT hard" he stares at me

I laugh and walk back to the bathroom, but this time I cover my butt with my hands. I saw a comment last night on Niles' live asking me to do a makeup routine, so I walked back out and grabbed my camera.

"What are you filming" Nelson asks as he's putting his shirt on

I didn't answer, I just stared at the sight in front of me. I knew Nelson was working out, but I didn't expect him to have abs. He's on the skinner side, but you can tell he works out.

"Hellooo, earth to Georgia" Nelson yells smirking

I blush and look away "Uhm I'm filming a grwm" I run to the bathroom with my camera

Nelson walks in the bathroom as I'm setting up the camera. He walks behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

I turn the camera on "hi everyone. Uhm so on niles live yesterday, someone requested that I do a makeup routine. So that's what I'm gonna be doing" I smile then look back at Nelson "today we have my lovely boyfriend for, well I don't really know why he's here, but I guess he wants to look pretty for the game" I smile up at him and laugh

"Can I not just be a supportive boyfriend?" He smiles down at me and kisses me quickly

Blushing I look back at the camera. I grab all of my makeup that I need out of my makeup bag.

"The first step I usually do is use elf power grip primer. I put it on both cheeks, my chin, and my forehead. Once it's all rubbed in, I usually just use my elf halo glow, and apply it like a foundation. I honestly don't really know much about makeup but I try my best" I pause and blend in the halo glow

"Guys why did you even ask her to do this? She doesn't need makeup" nelson says looking at me in the mirror

I smile and look up at him and kiss him "then generally, I put concealer on as well, but I left it at home, so I'm just gonna do my mascara. I use this elf curler and telescopic mascara" I explain as I lean towards the mirror to do my lash routine

Halfway through putting it on, Nelson slaps me on the ass. AGAIN. I look at him through the mirror and glare at him.

"Sorry about him guys, he was born at the circus" I smile at the camera

I filmed for another 10 minutes until I was done. Nelson just cracked jokes the whole time, and spent a lot of his time staring at my ass. Likke he's making me feel like I got a Kim k type ass. Anywayyyy Nelson finished up his hair, and we just chilled until it was time to leave.

Mb for mistakes
Dk how this one is but oh well

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