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september, 2023

        THE NIGHT TRAILED ON AS THE live came to a close. The girls found peace in her company as Le'ana spent the whole night familiarising herself with the team and their way of life.

Due to it being late at night, Le'ana knew her bed was calling her name. If she wasn't asleep by midnight, which was nearing, no one would want to face her tomorrow morning. Paige knew what an angry Le'ana was like and so, naturally, she offered to walk her to her dorm.

Paige and Le'ana walked side by side, the campus bathed in the glow of streetlights, making the walk slightly less terrifying for the pair. The night air was cold and refreshing, a welcome change from the warmth of the court they met, or the calming heat of Aaliyah's dorm.

As they began walking, the conversation flowed easily between them. They talked about everything from their favourite classes to their future goals and aspirations. Despite only knowing each other for two days, they found that they had a lot in common and genuinely enjoyed each other's company.

"See, Le'ana. There was nothing to worry about." Paige said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them once the pair ran out of topics to discuss. "You really held your own."

Le'ana smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Paige. They were just so welcoming. It's different here and for once that doesn't seem so scary anymore. I'm excited to be a part of this team."

"Yeah, we're like a little family here. You ever need anything, these girls are here for you." Paige replied, her voice tinged with fondness.

"I never asked on night one but uh- how are you settling into campus life? Finding your way around okay?" Concern plagued Paige every time she thought of Le'ana. Whether it be if she ate that night, or if she was sleeping ok, Paige wouldn't hesitate to think of the girl. She cared about her, as just friends (according to Paige).

Le'ana nodded. "Yeah, it's been good so far. I haven't really done much. Still trying to figure out where everything is, but I'll get there. Thank you, Paige, for uh- just being so nice."

"Le'ana it's no problem. Whenever you need me just shout me," Paige said with a smile. "For you, I'd come running." Adding in a laugh, Paige hoped she hadn't pushed too far. Comfort found her once Le'ana began to laugh too.

They walked in comfortable silence for a few moments before Paige spoke up again. "Hey, can- uh- I ask you something?"

"Of course, shoot," Le'ana replied, turning to look at her.

Paige hesitated for a moment as if trying to find the right words. "When did you um- know you liked girls?"

"I just never felt the same around a guy than a girl. At first, I thought I was maybe just meeting the wrong guys, but after a while, I could just tell. You get this feeling within you."

Paige definitely had some feelings within her right now.

"Was it hard? To tell people?" She asked with caution

"At first, always. You just begin to realise that you can't change anyone's opinion of you. Being yourself is more important than what anyone thinks." Le'ana gazed at Paige, her eyes full of hope just silently praying for a reciprocated emotion.

Paige smiled reassuringly. "Oh- Yeah, that- that- makes sense." She was a stuttering mess. "You should be a motivational speaker" Paige laughed, avoiding how nervous she got on the topic of sexuality.

Le'ana let out a sigh, knowing how uncomfortable Paige had gotten. "I'll take up Geno's role. Maybe even kick you off the team-"

"- You wouldn't dare Le'ana rodes." Paige's eyes met hers.

"Try me Paige Bueckers." She smirked, maintaining eye contact

The pair had reached Le'ana's dorm quicker than either of them had hoped. It was time for the dreaded goodbye, even if Le'ana knew she would get several messages from Paige that night. Most likely, she would also see her tomorrow, if Paige could help it.

"Wow, time flies when you're having fun," Paige announced with a chuckle.

Le'ana nodded, a hint of reluctance in her voice. "Yeah, I guess it's time to call it a night."

"Just again- Thanks, Paige," She added on, smiling gratefully. "I'm really lucky to have met someone like you so early on."

Paige grinned. "Hey, what are friends for, right?" There it was, the forbidden word. Friends.

Paige smiled warmly. "Thanks for the company, Le'ana. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm just a text away."

Le'ana returned the smile. "Thanks, Paige. I'll keep that in mind."

Le'ana spent all night wondering why Paige even brought up her comments from earlier. She questioned why the girl was a stuttering mess at the mere mention of the topic. Le'ana hoped the longing stares and unspoken tension between the pair was a sign of something more - or maybe Paige just didn't want to make her uncomfortable but asking Le'ana anything outrageous. Maybe she was a simple straight white girl, being an ally.

Paige on the other hand, spent the whole walk back thinking of Le'ana. She remembered the stolen glances at Le'ana as they walked, the way her heart fluttered involuntarily at the sight of her. She admired the way the moonlight played off Le'ana's smooth, brown skin, casting an enchanting glow that seemed to highlight every contour of her face.

Even as they walked, Paige found herself mesmerized by the way Le'ana's curls framed her face, bouncing with each step she took. Despite the darkness of the night, she seemed to shine with an inner light that was impossible to ignore. Paige couldn't help but feel a pang of envy, wishing she could be as open and confident as Le'ana seemed to be.

But even as Paige admired Le'ana from afar, she knew that she could never fully express the depth of her feelings. She was all too aware of the risks that came with revealing her true self.

I'm so scared for uconn
vs usc tonight - like i love
my girlies but we're looking
weak rn

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