⟣Chapter 87

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Xiao Hen wasn’t foolish. He knew that the four of them couldn’t simply take down such a sizable base by using only their words. While their combat strength was more than sufficient, Wen Qingling desired the survivors within the base, not a base filled with corpses.

Xiao Hen let out a roar, summoning half of the zombies in Yue County to gather around the base.

This was the first time Xiao Hen had used his commanding ability as a “General.” The sensation of effortlessly controlling a vast army made him unconsciously crave more power and authority. Perhaps it was the yearning inherent in the bloodline of an eighth-level evolved being that Xiao Hen could clearly feel.

Yue County was the most populous of the three counties, which meant it had the most zombies. Half of the zombies equated to two or three hundred thousand, resembling a small-scale zombie tide. And this tide of zombies was under someone’s control, encircling the entire base, not allowing anyone to escape.

Shi Chong, with his straightforward nature, directly used his earth elemental ability to dismantle the base’s walls, allowing the horde of zombies to pour in and surround the Yue County base. The survivors who had been living peacefully in the base for so long never expected to be besieged by a zombie tide. The entire base instantly descended into chaos, with people running and hiding everywhere, cries and screams filling the air.

Xiao Hen: “…”

So far, the horde he controlled was perfect. Not a single zombie disobeyed his orders to attack people. What were these people running from? Wasn’t there anyone who could observe the obedient zombies?

Ji Rong began shouting, “Listen, everyone! Either join the Xiang County base or become food for the zombies! You have one minute to decide. If there’s no answer by the time is up, you’ll all become zombie fodder!”

Ji Rong’s shout had a distinct “Wen Qingling style” to it.

Everyone in the Yue County base was at a loss. Was this supposed to be a multiple-choice question? Life or death, was there even a need to choose? Even a strand of hair would know which one to choose. But could they really avoid death by joining Xiang County base?

Looking at the horrifying and terrifying zombies, the survivors felt their hearts race and their breaths shorten. They were on the verge of passing out. It was too terrifying, too ugly. Even in death, they couldn’t accept becoming like that. They wanted to jump up and live for another five hundred years.

Wen Qingling had been focusing on Xiao Hen’s side with his psychic power. Most of the powerful individuals from Yue County were estimated to be there. Those left in the base were mostly ordinary people, making it easy to take them down.

While observing the ongoing battle, Wen Qingling shifted from standing to sitting. He crossed his legs, sitting on top of an off-road vehicle, leisurely watching the chaotic fight before him, utterly bored.

Although Xiong Shu was quite burly, he still guarded the off-road vehicle with his brothers, not allowing the frantic survivors to disturb their leader’s rest. Even though they were weak, they were determined to protect their leader.

As Wen Qingling watched the spectacle, he suddenly turned his head, looking toward a blind spot in his line of sight. A man with small eyes had hidden himself there, planning to ambush from behind. However, he was easily discovered.

Sun Shijie’s eyes flashed with ferocity, and both guns opened fire simultaneously. Wen Qingling waved his hand, and Sun Shijie felt his arms uncontrollably turn, aiming all the bullets toward his own people. Several people fell to the ground, and a bullet even hit the back of the Rockman.

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