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"Yes" I say.

I feel really bad he might loss every thing but at the same time you don't bet on people. Like come on grow up. I mean marrying Duke isn't going to be to bad. I just feel like it's to much for me right now why I agreed i have no clue.

"Great, we are going to give you Duke's grandma's ring." His mom says. (Picture above.)

"Maddie can I talk to you alone." Duke says.

Oh no

"Sure." I say

We walk to what I think his room is its huge.

"Why." Is all he says.

I'm going to act stupid.

"Why what?" I ask even though I know.

"Why did you agree to marrying me." He says.

"Because I felt bad." I say.

"Never feel bad for my family." He says.

"And I want you to agree to marrying me when you want not when my parents want." He says.

"Maybe I didn't just do it for your parents." I say.

"What are you talking about." Duke says.

I walk up to Duke and kiss him.

"Maybe I like you fiance." I say. That work feels weird to say.



Like I said weird.

"Maddie don't do that." Duke says.

"Lie about things like that. I will believe you." Duke says.

Before I can respond there is a knock on the door.

"Cut out the kissy kissy shit and come back dad need to talk to us." Dukes brother says.

I open the door and walk out.

"We where not kissing." I say.

"Well." Duke says and stops saying whatever he was going to when I turn around and give him a 'if you say another word I will kill you'

We walk back to the table and Dukes mom give me the ring and I go to put it on but Duke takes it from me and grabs my left hand and slips the ring on.

"If where doing this where going it right." He says.

"I'm sure we are." I say.

"We will see you guys next week and plan out the wedding." Dukes dad says.

"All of you." Dukes mom adds.

"Yes sir and ma'am." I say.

"Its Kate and William." Dukes mom says.

"I like sir." Dukes dad says.

"Ok William." I say.

He looks angry. Oh no did I make him upset. Thats payback for making me marry your son. But it was my choice. Oh I'm fucked. After a while we got in the car Duke kept asking if I was fine and I always said yes. We finally got back to the school and the boys are asleep when we get there. I don't read today i just go to sleep.


I wake up at 5 I'm not usually up this early in the morning. I watch TV for a while and see Maddie coming out of her room.

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