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Caleigh decided to make media day easy for Lissie and me, scheduling one of us for the morning shift and the other for afternoon. Luckily, I'd scored the morning shift.

So, that's how I found myself waking up from a post-work nap at 3pm.

My hair was probably a wreck seeing as I had slicked it back this morning and then slept on it. I winced as I eased the hair tie out of my hair, scratching my scalp as I maneuvered out of my bed to find additional hair ties so I could do double-french braids.

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, starting on the hairstyle Mum made sure to teach me as a child. She claimed that it was a necessary skill for a girl to have. All I knew was that it made my life easier and made me the designated hair braided as a kid.

My phone vibrated as soon as I tied off the second braid. I swear I stopped breathing when I saw who the text was from.

Lando: can we talk?

I hadn't expected him to text me. I thought that the night we posted about the breakup would be the last I heard from him for a long time.

This also felt weird, especially since we haven't talked in person since we broke up, two and a half months ago.

yeah, of course.

Unfortunately, I could never say no to Lando Norris, regardless of what happened between us.

Lando: are you still at the circuit? I just saw lissie. I've got like an hour break between media junkets so i have time now if you'd like to come to the mclaren garage

I let out a string of curses. Why am I suddenly upset about having the morning shift?

lissie and i split the shifts today, so i'm at the hotel 20 minutes away... can we talk when you're done for the day?

I held my breath as I waited for his response.

I'm sure he's just as bummed as I was that we couldn't talk right now. At least he's willing to talk? I was expecting to be on his 'avoid at all costs' list for a few months.

Lando: damn, uh... i can pick you up around 7 tonight? you're staying in our hotel?

I let out a sigh of relief.

He didn't give up.

yes and yes(:

And that was it.

I also knew that the next four hours were going to be hell for my anxiety. So, I changed into a different outfit and left the hotel, determined to find somewhere to go and occupy my mind.

That simple idea was how I ended up at an aquarium.

I'd found it on my maps app and walked there, realizing it was only 5 minutes away. I could definitely spend hours here. Everything about ocean animals intrigued me.

Lando: i'm here

I furrowed my brows, Lando was at the aquarium?


I checked the time, 18:57.

Oh, shit. I'd been here for four hours.

funny story... i'm at the aquarium down the road?? i lost track of time

His text came back a couple of minutes later.

Lando: i'm not even going to ask, but i'll be out front in like 3 minutes

I didn't respond to his text, instead just followed directions. I had a stuffed shark tucked under my arm as I waited by the curb for my ride.

None of this should be surprising for anyone, I did shit like this all of the time. Spontaneity was one of my favorite things.

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