I Love You

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Laying down on the sofa of Louis' house, his arm wrapped around your shoulder and face tucked into your neck as both of you watched the story of Cool Runnings play on the tv.

"This is the best part, I think it's so sad that they lost but you can still see the victory in their expression when everyone cheers them on while crossing" you ramble, lip quivering as you wipe the tears that began to fall from your eyes. 

Louis couldn't help but stare in admiration of your reaction, one of the things he loved most about you was how caught up in movies and tv shows you could get, how much love you had for the animated storytelling on the little screen.

For the past ten minutes, he has hardly glanced at the screen, his eyes fixated on his girlfriend that cried in front of him. He hadn't missed anything, you have made Louis watch it over ten times already on previous occasions. Yet you still reacted the same, and it amazed him.

He doesn't mind though, seeing the joy on your face while watching the movie was all Louis cared about, and he would watch it a hundred times more if it meant he still got to see the reactive expressions.

Leaning down, Louis kisses your cheek, causing you to pull from your reverie of the screen to look up at your boyfriend who smiled widely at you, "what?" you ask but Louis only shakes his head, lips pecking yours quickly before replying, "I love you".

With a smile, you reply, "I love you too". Although you knew it was a random moment to express his feelings, it was just as endearing as any other time. "But I want to watch the end of this" you pat his chest before turning back to the screen, Louis tucking his head into your hair while he laughs.

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍; preferences.Where stories live. Discover now