The Cellar (25)

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Faithie


Chapter 25

Clover’s POV

I slammed the door, leant against it and took a few deep breaths; they’re getting a warrant to search the house. My heart was beating too fast and I felt like I was going to collapse. They were going to split us all up; they were going to take the girls away from me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to think of a plan. We could all take off now but where would we go? As soon as the police found their room they would come looking for us although they only think I have Lily. My options weren’t good. I could sacrifice Lily to save the rest of us or take her too which would mean things would get a lot more complicated.

The thought of being separated made me feel sick, I loved them all and finally had the perfect family, occasionally Lily or Heather would say something or speak in a way that was not acceptable but they were quickly learning.

The only real option quickly became obvious. I calmly walked up to my bedroom and took the knife out of my top drawer, running my finger lightly over the razor sharp blade I sighed and prayed they could forgive me. I didn’t want it to end like this but none of us can live without the others so I knew what needed to be done, we all needed to die together, it’s the only way we won’t be separated.

I walked into my mother’s room, the smell of her perfume made the memories of my childhood came flooding in immediately. Her cold hard face stared down at me. That was the only face she had after Dad cheated on her. I never thought I would be scared of my Mother but that all changed when she found him in bed with that prostitute.

When I was six, before all this happened we were a happy family. My Dad worked hard at the factory and my Mum spent her days baking, cleaning the house and looking after us all. We would go on holidays every year and spend weekends camping or visiting family. I thought Dad was the perfect husband; he would bring her flowers every week and take her out to dinners.

I remember the day she found him in bed with that whore as if it were yesterday. Mum was visiting her parents for the day when the school called my grandparent’s house telling them that I wasn’t well and they couldn’t get an answer from my house. Mum came to school and picked me up immediately, bringing me some pain medication and a chocolate bar to make me feel better.

We walked in the house and heard noises coming from upstairs, Mum told me to stay downstairs but I followed her, not wanting her to go on her own. I crept up behind her just as she was slowly pushing the bedroom door open. What we saw will haunt me forever, some slut was sitting on top of my Dad; they were sweating and moaning, completely unaware that we were there.

My Mum suddenly lunged forward and ripped her off of Dad. I watched his face; he looked horrified to have been caught. I was frozen on the spot, still clenching the chocolate bar in my hand as I watched my Mum hitting the woman and screaming at her. Dad jumped out of bed, pulled on his boxers and tried to break up the fight. Eventually, he managed to hold Mum still and his whore grabbed her clothes and fled the house. My mum was still screaming at her, calling her every name she could think of, I remember being so shocked by the words she was using, I’d never heard her swear, ever.

She spun around and pushed Dad off her calling him dirty and shouting about how he’d ruined our perfect family. She made Dad pack his bags and leave the house, I never saw him again. She changed completely after that and would shout at me and hit me for making even the tiniest mess. I had to keep myself and the house spotlessly clean. She constantly worried that the prostitute had left her disgusting germs behind and pretty soon I worried about that too.

The Cellarजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें