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We should have all been dead, we should have been destroyed by the explosion, or at least crushed from the shrapnel that would have destroyed the truck, but that's where luck comes into play. The shooter was obviously expecting us to not have done much with this truck, but he was wrong, one of the many things we had done was reinforce the walls to stop most explosions from damaging the vehicle, which it did. The second thing the shooter hadn't expected was that we had a surface to air missile able to be fired, which had locked onto where the grenade had come from, and was being fired back at it with a few simple commands by Katana. The truck would need to be demolished, there was no use selling it, as it would cost more to sell it than it would to scrap it, but before then, we would take it to our new home, which wasn't too bad, judging by what this truck had just put up with to protect us.

We entered the city, heading straight for the address, which was on a backstreet, so it was harder to find than a house on the main street. After about half an hour of wrong turns, we eventually turned down a leafy avenue and saw our new home at the crest of the hill, which looked similar to the Acropolis in Athens. The mansion was a sight to behold, three stories high, with large windows with Venetian blinds of amazing quality, the garden was of such beautiful quality that the onlooker would see two birch trees encircled by a spiraling bed of white and grey flowers. I was the first out, and I had the keys, which I had pick pocketed from Voulge at our break, all our animals came out with me, apart from Sling's frogs, who stayed with her. Adrianus landed on my shoulder and sat there, perfectly balanced, as I raced up the short stairway to the front door. I unlocked it and went inside, and was amazed by what I saw.

I was standing in an entrance hall, with a massive chandelier hanging down from above. There were two spiral staircases, which led up into the second and third floors. In the room sat a lively looking plant, and five doors leading off into different places. I ran up the stairs and found myself the nicest bedroom I had ever been in. The west wall was mostly taken up by window, which let in so much light. There was a king sized bed, with a lovely and large study desk, a nice cupboard, and a bookshelf even larger than my old one. To the side there was also an ensuite, with silver-metallic tiles, with crimson intrusions through it, with this coincidence, I was set on staying in this room. While Adrianus made up the fort of keeping this room, I ran downstairs, where people were still gawping at the lovely interior of the entrance hall.

I grabbed my luggage and utensils out of the back of the truck, and, as I was the last person to do so, Loch pulled out with the truck, saying he was off to get five new cars, which I was looking forward to seeing. I carried my stuff inside and up the stairs, and laid out my stuff in my room, which Adrianus had done a good job of guarding, falling asleep while doing it was an added bonus.

I went back out and climbed to the final level, where I was greeted by an spectacular appearance. There was a training gym, similar to what we had dug in our old place only about 10 times larger and much more grand, there was enough room in here for everyone to train at the same time and never run into each other, which is a pretty impressive stunt to be able to pull off. I sat down in an area that wasn't reserved, and reserved it for myself, before setting up targets and a rack designed to hold knives, however I kept a lot of my knives on my own person, and that was when I noticed the forge.

Why I hadn't seen it before confused me, but when I entered the enclosed room with a retractable roof, I knew what I had to do. Grabbing a sheet of metal, I started mapping out how my knives were going to look. My only problem with C.L.O.U.D.'s knives was their weighting, which I was going to fix with my own design of knives. I started hammering as soon as I finished the planning and had finished my first knife within 30 minutes, which had been a big drain on my body, but I now had a knife that looked so beautiful and worked so well that nothing would be able to stop me if I had numerous blades like this. So I set about doing more.

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